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 They all rushed on the deck, leaning over the edge in order to see the island. Most of it was stone and it had dark mist and clouds around it. A storm was forming over it.

  'Well that's not foreboding.' Sturmhond commented.

 Tolya leaned on the edge next to Rayna.

   'It could be anywhere in there.' He said.

 The wind grew stronger as they approached. That's when she felt it. It was like a song she had learnt so well the lyrics were tattooed in her blood. Rayna closed her eyes, raising a hand forward. She felt the storm, the way the wind went.

  'Not anywhere. It is filled with tunnels.' She informed the group as she opened her eyes.

 Sturmhond frowned.

  'But I don't see any-'

  'She's right. There!' Mal interrupted the captain, pointing to a hole in the stone.

 Rayna tied her hair back in a high ponytail, a determined look on her face. She and Mal shared a look.

  'We enter through there.'


  'Alina stay close to Mal.' Rayna said as she took the lantern from the summoner hand.

 She nodded in the tracker's direction, subtly signalizing him to stay more in the back of the group in case anything happened Alina needed to be in the safest spot. Passing Tolya and Tamar, Rayna went to stand in the front, right next to Nikolai.

  'Feeling ready to die, pirate?' She asked.

 Sturmhond rolled his eyes, the smirk on his face never fading.

  'Privateer.' He took the first step into the tunnel, the water reaching a bit above his knees. 'And besides what's the fun in life without a little danger?'

  Rayna shivered as the cold water got to her skin, her pants glued to her flesh. One hand on her dagger and the other up, she started walking after Nikolai. She hated small places. There was no room for three people to walk side by side, barely enough room for two.

Nikolai suddenly raised his pistol. A sound echoed through the tunnel, she couldn't tell what it was.

  'That could be it.' Mal spoke from behind, keeping his voice low.

Rayna didn't dare to breath.

  'Grevyen, tell me. Anything in the water?' Sturmhond asked, pistol pointing forwards.

 Grevyen, the Tidemaker, put his gun back and leaned down. He slowly put his hand into the water, using his gifts to sense.

  'There are holes in the cave floor. So be careful where you step. Otherwise no.' He declared.

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