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  'Why is that? Is there a predator in these waters? Something worth a hunt?'

 Rayna mentally facepalmed at the same time the fisherman looked at Mal like he was nuts. Since they arrived in the village all they did was search through maps in hopes to find the location of the second amplifier, the sea wip. So far they had found nothing.

  'Don't go looking for your own death, boy.' He told him.

 Looking defeated Mal shoved the map back into his coat and hurried to catch up with Rayna who had already walked away. Suddenly she stopped, making him almost crash into his back.

  'First Army, load up. We leave in five.' A familiar voice to Mal ordered.

They shared a panicked look before turning around ready to run. In his hurry Mal didn't notice the First Army member right in front of him and crashed right into him, making them both fall.

  'Let me help you up, boy.' The old man spoke, helping Mal up.

 Behind them, Rayna was holding her breath, hands ready.

  'Do I know you?' He asked.

 Rayna reached blindly with her hand on the table behind her where she had seen a knife the fishermen cut the fish with earlier. Her fingers clenched around the blade as Mal denied the question.

  'I remember every soldier under my command and the deserters, Oretsev. Are you alone? Or is your sun summoner with you?'

 Rayna played along and looked at the disgusting fish to her right like they were the most interesting thing in the world.

 'No, sir.' Mal denied once more.

 The man was holding both of Mal's arms in a tight grip so if she were to throw the knife she would have to be precise.

 'Let's get you on a boat back to Ravka, soldier. You have court-martial to attend.'

  Rayna didn't need Mal's subtle hand signal to throw the knife. It missed the man by millimeter, enough of a distraction for both of them to start running.

  'After them!' The man yelled from behind them

 The two looked at each other, silently comunicating, as they ran through the crowded market. Rayna nodded and stopped, turning around to face the soldiers. Hands forward, she send them flying back, buying Mal some extra time. Dust filled the air, thick enough for her to be able to disappear on the opposite alley Mal had taken off. She needed to find Alina and she needed to do it fast.

  'Grisha!' Someone screamed.

 But she didn't stop, not until she saw the familiar black hair and worn coat sprinting in her direction. They crossed paths midway.

  'Mal?' She asked.

 Things falling on the ground and screams where heard from the street closest to them. Rayna titled her head to the side.

  'There I assume.' And with that they were both running again.

 They were met with the scene of Mal being punched. Rayna raised her hands to manipulate the wind to shove them away, but nothing happened. She looked down at her hands and instead if wind, tentacles of darkness danced around her arms. But nobody noticed since all the focused was on Alina, the sun saint, summoning pure sunlight with her bare hands. Rayna shook her hands quickly, making them disappear as she rushed to help Mal up.

  'So much for nobody knowing who I am here.' Alina smiled.

 'Yeah, that was nice and subtle.' Mal laughed. 'Right, Ray?'

'As subtle as me throwing a knife at his head.'

 As Alina was about to start working on the lock on the door behind them, the rest of the First Army appeared, blocking their only way out.

  'I knew you would be traveling as a pair.' The man who had first recognized Mal spoke and then turned to Rayna. 'If you are smart, girl, you are going to step aside and stay out of it while you still can.'

 She raised her brow 'And if you were smart, boy, you wouldn't go against two powerful Grisha.'

BOY, she saw the word land a blow on his pride. His smile fell and turned into shame and anger.

   'Let me see your hands. Especially you two.' He said, no, ordered.

Alina pushed Mal behind her and Rayna stepped in front of them, ready. Even if she wasn't sure what would happen the next time she raised her hands she was willing to risk it to keep them safe. For Ravka she would. For the stupid tracker she had grown to not despise anymore, to even seek his advice and bad humor. For the girl who had no choice and yet was ready to fight for those who can not fight for themselves.

  'It's time to turn you in.'

 The next thing they knew, the villagers had formed a line in front of the First Army. As soon as they realized in front of them were innocent people both Alina and Rayna dropped their hands.

  'Alina.' Rayna didn't dare to breathe.

 The people put a hand on their chest. They were on their side. For Sankta Alina. A woman rushed to them, a Durast, Rayna realized as she watched her break the lock. The barrier of people blocked the First Army long enough for them to be out the door.

  'Thank you.' Alina, truly grateful, said.

 And with that they were running again. Three shadows hurrying towards the harbor.

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