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'No point in denying it, miss Starkov. You are the sun summoner.' Nikolai went on.

  Rayna held her breath as she waited for Alina's response or a fight to start.

  'You're right.' She confirmed, opening her arms, pure sunlight appearing.

Sturmhond didn't even flinched.

  'Impressive.' He whistled. 'And it's not often I say that.'

  'Let us go or you'll be out 20 million kruge and a ship.' Alina held her ground.

  'While I'm aware you could consign us all to the watery deep.' He got up from his seat and went to pour himself what looked like gin in an empty glass. 'You should really consider how far from the docks we are.' He confidently finished.

 Sturmhond brought the drink to his lips in order to take a sip, but before the burning taste of alcohol could fill his mouth a gust of wind knocked of his glass. His charming and confident mask fell for a second, being replace by pure shock, before it went back up like nothing had happened. He then turned around to see where his drink had gone as he had not heard the sound of glass crashing against the floor.

  'Getting to the docks won't be much of a problem.' Rayna stared at the glass, now in her hand, for a moment before taking a sip.

  There was a glint that appeared in Sturmhond's hazel eyes, a challenged. Rayna kept her expression the same even though one question ran through her. What was happening to her powers?

  'Now that's a useful party trick.' Sturmhond's smirk back in place. 'I didn't see that one coming I'll give you that.' He poured himself another glass. 'You can put your hands down now though for I am not planning on giving you to the Fjerdans.' He returned to his seat behind the desk.

  Rayna raised an eyebrow, watching him closely, not quite understanding what was he playing at. At her side Mal looked ready to murder him.

  'You're not?' Alina questioned confused.

  'Saints, no.' He stopped and raised his head to look at her. 'Sorry, is that offensive to say in front of a living Saint?'

 Rayna resisted reaching forwards to punch him. Mal grabbed a chair and sat down, he looked done with the captain as well.

  'What do you want with us then?' He asked Sturmhond.

 Alina went to rest her arms on the chair her lover occupied while Rayna didn't move from her position close enough to the door to be able to escape or fight if necessary.

  Sturmhond ignored Mal's question for a moment, eyes on her instead.

  'You don't do well with trust do you?' He asked, a challenging glint in his eyes.

 Rayna didn't back down, her hand rested shamelessly on her sword. She knew he could see the blade now. 

  'In what? A pirate?' She bit back.

 Sturmhond's smile didn't look so rehearsed anymore.

  'Privateer.' He correcter her.

  'Yes, good for you. Now, what do you want from us?' Mal broke their little staring contest.

 The captain's eyes lazily moved to him, almost seeming annoyed at the interruption.

  'From you? Nothing.' He then looked between Mal and Rayna 'Honestly, I'm not even sure who you are.' Then pointed to Alina. 'But the sun summoner...Well you have to know you are quiet valuable.'

 Rayna quickly glanced at the Shu man at the door and calculated in her mind how long it would take for her to put him down. Noticing her stare he smiled and sent her a small wave. She frowned in confusion.

  'You said you wouldn't turn her in for a bounty.' Mal argued.

 That wasn't true, Rayna realized. The captain played his words well.

  'What I said was I wouldn't hand her to the Fjerdans. I said nothing of Kerch or Shu. I paid a small fortune to empty the dock and make sure you got on my ship. And frankly I think Fjerdans are undeserving of you.' Sturmhond said like it was nothing.

  'Yes, you're right, they are.' Alina replied. 'Because you will be able to ask the King of Ravka for twice as much.'

 What was she doing? Rayna wasn't sure, but one thing she knew was that she would not return to that cursed palace.

  'You know the king?' Sturmhond questioned and there was a bitterness in his voice at the mention of the ruler that her tried to hide, but Rayna noticed anyways.

  'I'm the Sun Summoner.' Alina's replay came.

 'By all accounts, the First Army have now turned their sights on Grisha.' He informed them.

 His smile was gone, face stone serious. He was expecting Alina's reply, but it was Rayna who spoke.

  'Where? West? North?'

Sturmhond's stone expression didn't flatter, but as he met her gaze his eyes were filled with a silent understanding.

  'They started with the little palace and the camps from which the Darkling left to go into the Fold the day it extended.' His voice was softer.

 Rayna fought to keep her expression emotionless. Genya and David were in that camp. Nadia and Kira were at the little palace. And Zoya, she was safe for how long. She needed to get to Ravka. She needed to get them out.

  'Thanks to what you and your conspirator did in the Fold.' The hatred in Sturmhond's voice was hard to miss.

  'The Darkling and I are not partners.' Alina defended herself. 'You may believe otherwise, but once I tear down the Fold and reunite Ravka the world will see I am not his ally.'

  'It's true, I was on that ship. Alina was chained to the ground, bid to his will.' Rayna stepped forwards, resting a hand on the summoner's shoulder.

  'Help us and you'll be rewarded.' Alina went on.

 Sturmhond leaned back, processing all the new information.

  'To tear down the Fold?' He scoffed. 'And how exactly do you plan to do that?' He asked as he looked between the three of them.

 Rayna placed her hands on the table, leaning in, catching his attention.

  'Since we now know Morozova's amplifiers are real for Alina wore one herself, the stag, we need to find the next one, the Sea Whip.' She spoke the words so surely.

  'Rayna.' Mal warned.

Sturmhond shook his head, taking in a deep breath. He finished his drink with one sip and stood up.

  'You couldn't do it with one amplifier, but two.' He pointed to Alina, a smile slowly forming on his face.

  'Unburdened by general Kirigan, under my own power. Will you help us or not?' She asked.

 Rayna watched him closely. He got up, raising his glass their way.

  'There's adventure, danger, money? Now you're speaking my language.'

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