Chapter 9

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The dim lights guided me on my path home, them plus the wind being the only company I have on the dark city street. The old, rigid lamp posts would click while the wind made satisfying whistles as it passed through the right cracks in the road. The stars were only just visible through the smog with some flashing, announcing themselves as planes. Why the hell would someone want to fly on a 2:15am flight? Crazy. 

Nobody was on the road. Well, apart from the odd drunk bozo that has given their life to alcohol. Plus some homeless people, I personally always give something spare for them during the day. But at night I never do because of some bad experiences that I have come to know as a thief and assassin. 

The buildings stood tall above me as if some kind of man-made jungle that is polluting the planet rather than saving it. 

The air reeked, hints of smoke, food, alcohol but also--- Danger. There was no mistaking that the night was dangerous for the wrong type of person. But my 'occupation' makes it a lot harder to be scared off, or hurt during the late hours of dark.

I always carry some sort of weapon with me, especially when you are being hunted by many of people, it's just an extra safety measure. I mean, I could fight a person with my bare fists but it's just quicker and easier to use a small weapon. 

At the moment, I have around 4 daggers on me. Two strapped onto my back, one in my bag and one in my bra because I doubt anyone would actually look there, but don't worry I have them in a seethe so they don't tear my skin into shreds. 

Most of the time I have a knife or a dagger because they are my preferred weapon, and they are quiet. Comparing to the loud bang a gun would set off, alerting many alarms off in peoples head if I used a gun. 

My stiletto heals clicked against the concrete pavement as I strutted down it. The cold icy air swirled around my exposed legs as I walked down the deserted street.

As I approached my apartment building, my hair raised on their own accord. My skin pricked with tension while my stomach clenched. I ignored the feeling since it was night and blamed it on my kinda-drunk ass. 

I got close to the building and opened the side gate that I have to use to get to my apartment. Walking up the worn away metal steps that were barely enough to hold my own body weight considering how thin they were. 

As I reach the final steps, about to put my key in the door. The I noticed it. The door, it was agar. From that crack in the door frame I could see that a light was on. I'm sure I didn't leave a light on right? Even then I wouldn't have left my door open.  I carefully and quietly take out a knife from my bag, securing it in my fist as I clasped the door handle. 

I swiftly pushed the door open causing it to slam against the wall, I speedily walked through the door and held my knife against my torso to protect it. 

I hear a grunt over my right shoulder, quickly I turn around and slash the intruders shoulder. The deep gash wound made him clutch his shoulder in pain as he bent forward. 

Suddenly another intruder came at me from behind and grabbed over my arms and around my torso, restricting me from moving very much. 

I then remembered my training and smirked to myself as I kicked his knees back and thrusted my body forward. His lack of balance led to him falling on his back onto the wooden floor, winding himself. This also gave me a nice cushion to land on. It also gave me the chance to slip from his now loosened hold.

Once given back my freedom and he is still on the floor I make my way to the man who now had a wound that was gushing with his metallic blood, he was standing now. Still clutching his shoulder he launched with the little amount of strength he had at me. 

He didn't get very far, of course. He then fell on the floor on his back with his legs apart. Grunting at the blunt force of pain he enforced on himself 

Oh I had to do it.

Unable to resist the urge in my head I may or may not have kicked him very hard in his crown jewels... 

He toppled over in pain and stayed there, on the brink of passing out like the other guy has now done. Eventually I slam his head onto the floor to knock him out with some extra pain involved. 

Phew! That was so easy! Heh...

A slow clapping brought me out of my victory headspace as I realised I had  not finished yet. The taunting sound echoed from my dark corridor where to silhouettes stood. Two deep chuckles erupted from them that made my body shiver with anticipation.  

"I'll admit, you did quite well considering that those two where some of our best men." One of the chuckled again after he spoke, and I could tell he was smirking from the tone in is velvety voice. 

"Why don't I show you some of my other tricks if you come out? Does that sound like a bit of fun?" I retort back, a grin making it's way on my face. 

"Well I don't think we will quite have the time for that." Another voice spoke from the shadows. The two voices sounded so similar yet so different at the same time. One had a honest sound to it, while the other sounded like he was going to be very sarcastic. 

"Why's that?" My face falls, instantly going into serious mode. I retrieve my dagger from the man's shoulder, not taking my eyes off of the voices then hold it in front of my abdomen. 

Both voices chuckle lowly, sending shivers through my arms making my grip on the dagger slacken. 

Footsteps then began to sound as the two figures got illuminated by the lights.

Oh my fucking god. Where these two just sent from the heavens to fuck me over or something? Wow!

My jaw widened as I looked them over. The intruders obviously noticed as they smirked and looked at each other, sharing a knowing glance that said so little yet so many words. I managed to get a-hold of myself by putting on a poker face and looking back at them. 

As I continue observing them, I come to notice that they are holding something. What is that? That fucking traitor! My eyes widened as they came upon my cat getting pampered with pets by the intruders.

You have no problem scratching me when I touch you but when a stranger comes into the house you allow them to pick you up AND pet you?! The double standards! 

"I think he likes us." The sarcastic one said, a smirk tilting at the side of his luscious lips. Huh? What? Why did I say that?.. 

"Why are you here?" I ask, taking my eyes off of the cat whose house I live in. 

"Well, you came to our house. So why can't we come to yours?" The sarcastic man retorted again. 

"Very funny." I commented dryly while rolling my eyes. 

"Now, we can either do this the easy way. Or the hard way." The other one spoke, and if looks could kill I would very much be dead right now. He looked at me through his eyebrows that were perfect in every way. I mean, both of them are perfect in every way but that's besides the point. 

"Hmm... Let me think..." I mock and place my free hand on my chin as if thinking. "You know--- I think I'd like it the hard way! Since I doubt that YOU two could do very much." I grin, my sass coming out at the challenge they offered.

"Are you sure about that darling?" He lips tilted up as if he was amused by my statement. 

My cheeks flushed at the nickname, red hot colour was evident on my skin from embarrassment. The Italian accent he had made the sentence even more amazing.

They both chuckled quietly, almost so quiet that I couldn't hear it. 

"Y-yes!" I slightly stutter.

"Alright then." He cocks his head to the side, he lifts up his t-shirt a little revealing some of his tanned skin and abs. But also a holster, with both a black handgun and a silver knife. Taking out the gun, as well as the other man taking out his. He checked the bullets, then spoke again with a cocky smile.

"Let's start then shall we?"

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