Chapter 10

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"What?! Have you ever heard the saying never bring a gun to a knife fight? That's unfair!" I complain at how they have a long distance weapon and I have to be in close range. I could throw the knife, but then how am I meant to get it back without getting gunpowder in my chest? 

"You're a clever girl, I'm sure you can figure it out." Mr. Sarcastic chirped and winked at me while loading also checking his bullets. Oh, and since I don't know there names that's what their new names are, Mr. Sarcastic and Mr. "Honest."

"We won't just kill you though, It wont be as fun for us." The other said looking at Mr. Sarcastic, giving him a slight nod as if a queue to start. But, since I noticed his body language as well, I got into a fighting stance. Now with two knife instead of one since I found one hidden in the side table on my right. 

Tip has now been put down and is perched on his cat tower watching the scenes unfold like a movie. 

They hadn't made a move yet. Welp, they missed the opportunity I mentally shrugged. Taking this as my sign, I lunged forward at the Mr. Sarcastic. The other man had stepped back a little, allowing for a 'fair' fight until it was his turn. 

It took him by surprise, I just managed to skim his cheek with my dagger, and not long after threading my fingers through his hair and pulling his head down so I can knee him in the stomach. 

When I was certain that he was going to be down for a while, I moved onto his partner in crime. He brought his gun up at aimed at me, not before I knocked his arm. Therefore leading to the gun falling out of his hand and sliding toward Tip's cat tower, not fazing him though. How could a gang leader miss if they are trained to do this type of shit?

While I was distracted, a blow was delivered to my side, winding me and knocking me to the floor. Honesty man climbed on top of my and delivered a few punches to my gut making me cower inwards. 

I can't let them win this easily!  

With my new-found confidence, I brought my legs up to my chest and kicked as hard as I could. He stumbled off of me enabling me to get up and regain my strength. It was now sarcasms turn, we both exchanged blows to each other, all in different places. I tended to try and go for his solar plexus and gut while he tried to go for my face and throat. 

They were winning-- and they knew it. 

If I could just get to my hidden weapons then I will be able to buy myself time to get away. 

I hit him hard in his groin making him hunch over, then I turned around and did the same to the other intruder. Leaving them both groaning on the ground. 

I bolted to my nearest firearm which was in my pantry. Yes I know it is an odd place to keep a weapon, but who would think to look there for anything unless you are a starving dog? 

After grabbing the gun, I ran through the front door. The boys were only just starting to get up now. But I wasn't going to wait for them to notice me gone for me to leave was I? With that I left down the metal stairs arriving on the street that was void of any people. 

Shit! It's harder to get away when there are less people. Let alone none at all! The only good thing is that it is dark, so it's easier to hide. 

I run down the street as fast as I can. I have only just realised that I had lost my heals sometime during the fight, I hope it hurt them even more with them on. 

Continuing down the road, I come across an alley way. 


If you want to be caught immediately! I mean, why does every character I've read in a book always go into an alleyway like nobody is going to look there!? 

After a little while of jogging down random roads, I make it to a gated park. Eh, It'll do for now. I guess it has plenty of spaces to hide. I settle myself on a bench, catching my breath while I can before I have to run off again.

I enjoy the peace and quiet at last that contrasts so differently to what I am used to. Away from the conflict, away from life. 

It was VERY late now, around 3:45am now. That fight went on longer than expected, I don't think they are anywhere nearby? 

The trees casted shadows on the gritty dirt path that led towards the bench I was sitting on. They swayed in the breeze and rustled as if singing their own song together with the crickets. The bench I was sitting on was made of a splintered wood with metal hand-rests. It was also surrounded by a variety of flowers and plants. 

I checked my phone, I was greeted by a message from an unknown number. It read: 

Unknown number: Hey Skye! I got Mia home safe and sound just as you asked! She was still out cold when I arrived so I had to carry her in and up the stairs to her room that I eventually found after trying every other room. Hope you got back alright, make sure to message me back when you see this! :D -Leo 

Hi Leo! Yeah I got back just fine! 

I lied.

Glad you could get her home safe! I will save your contact, hope to get in-touch soon! Do you want Mia's number too or no?

After a little while my phone pinged again so I opened it up and read the message.

Leo: No need ;)

I smiled at the message and soon later looked up at the moon in awe. So beautiful.

But the calmness was short-lived when a cloth wrapped around my mouth and nose. 

"You were a tough one to find." The person who I could only guess was one of the men laughed. I thrashed around, prying at the hand that had a tight grip on my face. I held my breath to the best of my ability to avoid breathing in the chemicals that were bound to be on the cloth that was on my face. 

Soon after, a hand made contact with my neck. A slight pressure was added the more I moved around but I still denied to give in to them. 

"Come on darling you're making this harder for yourself." Mr. Sarcastic smirked. I knew it was him because he was in front of me with his hand on my neck. 

"Fine, I'll do it my way then." He rolled his eyes. A bit after, he punched my stomach causing my to have a sharp inhale and start coughing as the chemicals filled my lunges like a chain smoker.

My eyes hazed as my head started spinning. My body started to go limp but still I fought them. I started to whine and groan at the loss of power they now have taken over me. 

"Shh... Just accept it. Fall into the darkness..." The man behind me soothed while moving my hair onto my shoulder. 

Then with that, I fell into the best sleep I have ever been in.

. . .Because of them.

Trapped In Lace [DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.]Where stories live. Discover now