Chapter 8

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We both walk over to the bar, and the smiling face of Leo greets us. He has a childish boy smile, one that not everyone would fall for. Apart from Mia. He has muddy blonde hair that curls up and gets lighter towards the ends. He also has bright green eyes the colour of forest trees during the warm summer. His slight dimpled smile adds to his charm that has obviously entranced Mia so quickly already.

"Hey girls! What can I get for you?" His grin widens, exposing his pearly whites.

"Can I have a Rivers Royale Rum please?" Mia chirped up happily, her eyes got lost in his as if in a daze.

"Woah! One of my personal favourites! Well, if you want to get drunk fairly fast that is." He smiles, then looks Mia up and down, releasing a smirk. His eyes also became hooded as he looked over her body, unnoticed to her.

"Cool!" She smile grew. "She won't be having another one, she said she'd 'prefer be aware.'" She rolled her eyes while Leo began to make her drink. Leo chuckled and took his eyes off of the drink her was fixing a couple of times to look at Mia. 

"Here you go, be safe." He winked at her and gave me a slight nod and a smile, and I returned the favour.

Mia chugged down the drink like a dehydrated animal and slammed the glass down sharply. The action receiving a shocked expression from the both of us. She shrugged and started to make her way to the dancefloor which is now a lot more busy since we last saw it. I followed shortly after and gave Leo a quick wave of parting before I went. 

The dance floor was packed with horny men, cringy couples and singles looking for a one night stand. Surprisingly, this is probably one of the best clubs I have ever been to. It's not empty with nobody in it, it has friendly staff, and it has... charming shows on the stages. 

The floor flashed with wonderous colours and the beams of light fell from the sky to shine on it. 

We managed to find an available space on the dancefloor with a decent amount of room to actually dance. Mia ran into it and it was obvious that her drink was working already, I was just behind her. Once we were reunited in the centre of the floor, we started throwing our arms up. Praying to the lord that my shave was enough to get rid of everything there. 

We swayed our hips to the rhythm of the music, however unknowingly grinding on the people around us. Before we knew it, the song had changed and a dance circle had formed. Shit. You see, I can't dance for my life. That's why I was letting Mia take the lead and I was kind of hiding behind her. Welp. There's no escaping it now, because we were in the middle of it. 

Mia soaked in the spotlight and started dropping it... very low, to the floor. The only dances I had learnt to do were TikTok dances and there was no way in hell that I was going to start dancing like Addison Rae and Charlie D'Amelio in a fucking strip club. 

So I did the only thing I knew how to do..

..Absolutely nothing.

I managed to slowly make myself back into the crowd. Mia was still having the time of her life with her new-found confidence her drink has given her. 

Woops and cheers could be heard from all around, pushing Mia on. Until..


Within the blink of an eye Mia was on the floor, out cold. Making some gasps go about but also an applause. It became apparent to me that some people were filming it, ha! She's going to have some fun finding that tomorrow!

I jog into to Mia and quickly 'move her' off of the dance floor, and by move I mean drag. She is completely passed out but is mumbling some incoherent words. Shit! How is she supposed to get home? I cant take her on my bike because she'll just fall of on the road plus I can't drive because I've had a drink, she can't drive because she is drunk, and she can't walk home because she will likely pass out again. 

I place her on a dinner booth in a corner and rush to the only person I think could help her--- Leo. Not that he would mind anyways, I'm sure he would love to have some alone time with her. Although he probably won't be able to have a conversation with her. 

I speed-walk to the bar and instantly catch his attention. He looks up from his phone since there weren't any people he was serving.

"Do you need anything?" he asked with a small smile.

"Yeah. It's about Mia" I say, his eyes widen and if they could his ears shot up. 

"Yes? What's wrong? Is she alright?" He asked franticly, concern written all over his features.

"Well- yes and no- she's kind of... passed out? Dead? Either option will do, but I need your help." I comment. 

"What can I do to help?" He sheepishly smiles as he runs a hand through his messy hair as if he has been doing it all night.

"I can't drive, since I've also had a drink. She most certainly can't drive--" I was the rudely interrupted by Mia's obnoxiously loud voice.

"I! can drive!.. I will- be fine.. Yah!" She hiccups throughout her hard to understand sentence, sort of sounding unsure of herself. Then before I knew it, bang. Passed out again, but this time she was sat down with her head on the table and one of her arms reaching out beside it.

"Uhm.. Okay- Anyways, could you take her home? I can give you the address and house number if you need. She should have her keys in her handbag. Could you do that please? Also, could I have your number? So you can text me when she's home?" I blurt out stressing about Mia and myself since I have a job tomorrow. 

"Yeah sure! I'll make sure that she gets home safe. Do you need a ride as well?" He asks, questioning if I should walk home by myself.

"I'll be fine!" I smile as I finish writing down my details and Mia's address on a napkin.

"If your sure..." 

"Yup! Anyway, I have to get home now! Take good care of her for me, will you? Thanks!" I say quickly and rush through the crowd of people to get out of the club. Desperate to get home, because when you are a introvert. There is a limit to how long you can socialise for. 

I begin my walk down the deserted street, I left my bike at the club. I can come and get it tomorrow easily. 

The night was so peaceful. But something told me.. 

That it wasn't going to last long. 


CLIFFHANGER!! Hehe hope you guys are ready for the next chapter ;)

Trapped In Lace [DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon