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Mr. Hwang is the one to open the door. He gasps at the sight of Athena and immediately pulls her in for a hug. Startled, she releases her hand from Felix's and chuckles nervously.

"Hi Mr. Hwang," she mutters.

The man releases her from his grasp and holds her face in his hands softly. "My dear, it's so good to see you!"

"Sorry for showing up unannounced," Athena tells him.

"You know you're always welcome here! Now come in... and you too."

Felix's eyes widen and he points to himself. "I can just wait outside, it's fine sir."

"Nonsense, a friend of Athena is a friend of ours," Mr. Hwang says sternly. "Plus, my wife and I just finished making dinner and we happen to have enough for two more guests."

The older man doesn't let either of them say a word as he urges them to follow him inside and calls out to his wife. Athena gives Felix a small smile and extends her hand towards his. He laces his fingers between her's and smiles back. It reassures the girl, and Athena takes a deep breath, and then exhales.

They enter the house and immediately are wrapped in the warmth of the place. A savory smell of food fills their noses as they pass through the halls and it almost distracts Athena from loud pounding of her heart in her chest. The floorplan hasn't changed at all and Athena is able to guide them to the kitchen so easily it scares her. As the kitchen comes into view, Mrs. Hwang appears, her back to them as she quickly stirs something on the stove. Their presence is not missed though, as the older woman is quick to turn to them.

"Athena! When my husband said it was you at the door, I couldn't believe it. It's been so long."

She gives Athena another bone-crushing hug but the younger girl takes it in and wraps her arms around Mrs. Hwang just as tight.

"Thank you for welcoming us into your home, especially since I never let anyone know I was coming by," Athena says.

"No need for such formality Athena! We're always happy to have you over," Mrs. Hwang states as she releases the girl. "Plus, I missed the your mother's winter party and now I'm in desperate need of her pumpkin pie."

This causes the girl to laugh. "You did always love my mom's baking."

"Don't tell my husband, but it's definitely better than his."

"I heard that!"

This sends the pair into another fit of giggles. A small weight is pulled off her shoulders as she jokes and converse with the two older adults in the room. Mrs. Hwang notices Felix and suddenly, he's pulled into the mix. Everything feels fine and Athena can barely remember why she hadn't visited the Hwang's in the first place. They eat dinner together and though Athena insists the two have to get home, they stay for some desert too.  

Finally, once the night has seemingly settled in, the pair are headed off. Felix and Mr. Hwang are discussing the rules of mahjong, as they both could never seem to understand it, when Mrs. Hwang pulls Athena to the side. She holds two plates of leftovers and smiles while handing them over to the girl.

"Here, one for you and for your friend."

"Oh, you didn't have to do this Mrs. Hwang. We wouldn't want to inconvenience you."

"Nonsense!" She exclaims. "It's not like we have too many people to cook for anyway."

At that, the two fall silent. The guilt that Athena had felt ever since Hyunjin's death crawls up her throat again and she can barely make out any words. Why was this so hard? Why couldn't she just say it?! Everything Athena had wanted to say and all things she had planned fly out of her head and all she's left with is two simple words.

"I'm sorry."

Mrs. Hwang is startled at the comment, allowing for Athena to attempt to say something. "I'm sorry for causing your family loss and I'm sorry for then neglecting you when you both have been nothing but kind to me. I'm sorry for falling in love with your son and I'm sorry for having feelings for someone else. I'm just so, so sorry."

A hand wipes at her cheeks, and only then does Athena realizes she's started crying. It annoys the girl, as she's been so tired of crying these days, but the tears flow nonetheless, even more so with the gaze of Mrs. Hwang on her.

"Athena, you have nothing to be sorry for," Mrs. Hwang tells her softly. "When Hyunjin introduced you to us, we just knew what a beautiful light you would be in his life. We knew that you and Hyunjin would care for each other like no other and we were ready to accept you into our family just as quickly as Hyunjin was ready to. You have been a part of our circle ever since then and we weren't going to let you go because of what happened. Hyunjin has passed, that's true, but he still lives with us, in all the little things that remind us of him. And we're still here, so we can keep living, because it's what we deserve to do. It's what Hyunjin would want us to do."

"I don't know if I can," Athena sobs out.

Mrs. Hwang pulls her into a hug and softly rest her chin atop of the girl's head. "You don't have to do it in one go. That's what I'm here for. And Mr. Hwang, and your friends and parents, and Felix. We're all on this journey together, and we'll get through it, together."

Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1) [AMBW] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now