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Snow falls lightly outside of Athena's window and she sighs as she watches it fall, wishing she could be outside instead of stuck at the dining room table going over chemistry notes. Felix sits beside her, scratching his head lightly as he goes over his homework.

After the events of the night a few days ago, things between the pair were oddly better. Felix had stayed the night and by the time he got home, his father was gone. For now, at least.

Athena knew that he was hurting and so she sucked up her feelings (for the most part) and was there to comfort Felix. She knew that, despite his smiles at school, he was not okay and so she promised herself she would help him throughout all of it, whatever it was. Felix hadn't fully explained the situation but she figured having his father in Korea was not a mutual want.

"What did you get for question 7? From the homework questions last week?"

Athena looks over at Felix's notes and then flips through her own. She places her notebook wide open for both of them to see and points to her scribbles of work.

"This one?" She asks.

Felix nods. "I don't get how we're supposed to do this titration. How did you get the value for the acid?"

"It's not that hard. Once you remember the steps it's pretty simple."

Athena shifts closer to Felix, moving her notebook with her. She goes over the steps with Felix, making sure to point out each part that may be confusing, hardly realizing that Felix isn't paying attention at all.

Their close proximity reminds Felix of New Year's and now his mind can't stop thinking about her lips on his. He shifts his gaze to them and then up to her eyes.

"Felix, are you listening?"

After receiving no answer, Athena stops talking and turns to face the boy. She blinks, her eyes wide as she only then sees how close the two are. Her cheeks heat up but she doesn't move away.

Felix doesn't know what takes over him but he starts moving closer to Athena, shifting ever so slightly. The curly haired girl is in a daze and she moves closer to him as well. She almost shuts her eyes, just letting it happen, that is, until everything she was trying to avoid comes flooding back.

Abruptly, Athena pulls back and scoots her chair away from Felix, creating a loud screech in the silent room. She couldn't, it wasn't right, he deserved better. Athena jumps up from her seat, too shocked to think her motions through.

"Athena? Look I'm didn't mean-"

"I think you should go," she interrupts.

"What?" Felix utters out.

"Maybe we can study again another time."

"Athena, hey I'm-"

Athena shifts again, pulling her arms to herself as the boy tries to reach out to her. He pulls his hands back slowly, avoiding her eyes.

"I'll go. I'm sorry," Felix finally says.

He shoves his papers into his bag and then leaves the room. The click of the door closing signals his leaving and Athena feels a tear stream down her face.

No, this is okay. You don't deserve him. You can't be with him.

That's what she reasons in her head, but then why did it feel so unnecessary and unfair?



hey guys! i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

since september has come upon us (can you believe it?) i will be in school and thus i will not be updating as much as i would like to :(

hopefully, i will be able to post more. i am pretty much done drafting the remaining chapters of the story, i just need to write them out.

i hope you guys will stick around! you are all so awesome and i love you <3

also, for all of you starting school this month (or those who have) i wish you all the best with whatever you are doing, all grades, all ages! you are going to be great <3

love ya ;p


Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1) [AMBW] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now