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The door closes behind Athena softly and she turns to see a woman sitting in a very comfy looking chair. A similar one sits across from her and Athena assumes she's supposed to fill up its space though she stays still. The woman notices her hesitance and smiles.

"Athena right?" She speaks.

Athena nods.

"I'm Dr. Kim, I'll be your therapist for the time being."

Dr. Kim rises from her seat and walks over to Athena. She stands just before the girl and smiles again.

"I hope we get along well."

A hand appears before Athena and she simply stares at it. Dr. Kim chuckles at her reaction.

"I figured, if we're going to talk about you and things you wouldn't really tell anyone else, I should probably come off as someone who isn't a distant, weird, reincarnation of Freud."

Athena lets out a small laugh and places her hand in the doctor's.

"That would probably be best," she whispers with a smile.

"Come on, let's sit down and we'll get to the talking."

Dr. Kim leads Athena to the seat across from the one she was previously sitting in and makes sure the girl is settled before placing herself where she was originally.

"So, let's get started," the woman says. "I'm Dr. Kim, as I said before. This is your first therapy session so I'm going to be explaining a few things to you before we get started with the nitty-gritty things."

"Firstly, all things that you disclose here are between me and you. Unless it's going to bring harm to you or others, everything you tell me stays here. And in my notes of course. Your progress will be disclosed with your parents, just so you are aware.

This is an open space Athena. You don't have to feel like hiding your feelings here. I am of course aware of the situation regarding the Hwang's son, but know that I am here to help you. I'm not going to judge anything you say."

Athena nods absentmindedly. Everything just felt so surreal and she wasn't sure if she could do it anymore. Despite that feeling, she continues to listen to the doctor, her eyes never meeting the other woman.

"Next time you come in, we're going to run a few tests just to see how you're doing, where you are, and how we can effectively help you. If you have any concerns, questions, or worries, you can always let me know."

Athena nods once again and the woman before her smiles.

"Alright, now let's get to the real stuff. Tell me about yourself."

"Um, what should I say?" Athena asks softly.

Dr. Kim giggles a little. "You can tell me whatever you'd like. Your favourite food, colour, what you do for fun, anything that comes to mind."

"I, uh, I like pizza?"

"I do too. My favourite is pepperoni."

"Me too!" Athena exclaims. "My best friend Somi says that I'm boring because of that but her favourite is Hawaiian which just makes her opinion unimportant."

"Of course, who can trust those who like pineapple on their pizza?"

"Exactly my thoughts."

The two share a laugh and Athena noticeably relaxes. She sighs and then holds her head in her hands.

"I experienced something horrible just before my last summer break and  I feel like I haven't moved on from that moment, like I'm stuck there," Athena pours out.

"Maybe you don't need to move on Athena, maybe we just have to move forward."

Athena tilts her head, asking, "isn't that the same thing."

Dr. Kim shakes her head with a grin. "I guess that for us to find."

Letting Go (The Stray Kids Collection: Story #1) [AMBW] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now