chapter 3 - holidays

Start from the beginning

"Rose," my dad cleared his throat, "No hug for the old man?"

I rolled my eyes at my dad, moving from my mom to my dad, hugging him tightly.

"I brought Duff, as requested," I smiled, motioning to duff.

"Duff! Come here!" My mom gestures, her arms as wide open, and they were for me.

He smiled and happily hugged my mom, having to bend over to actually reach her, though.

"No hug for the brother ethier?" My brother, Vincent, said.

"I have to hug mom and dad first, you know that Vincent," I rolled my eyes, walking over to hug him.

His wife, Anita, was right next to him. She was the sweetest person ever.

"Hey Anita," I smiled when I pulled back from my brother, bringing her into a hug.

"Hey Rose, how are ya?" She asked, hugging back back.

"I'm good! You?" I asked while pulling back.

She smiled, "I'm great!"

I nodded, standing up straight to see where Duff was, and of course, he was chatting it up with my dad.

"Katie," I cleared my throat, "who's that?"

The boy beside her looked up, and she sighed, "Well, this is Mark."

"New boyfriend?" I ask with a brow raised, but to my surprise, she nodded.

"Yea, he is," she smiled.

Duff stood by me, looking at Mark intensely, "he looks like he's in a glam band."

I hit Duff on his side, "Be nice!"

"No, I actually am, sorta," Mark slightly smiled, "we aren't totally hudge, but we are decently big– I guess."

Duff nodded, "what band?"

"Vinnie Vincent invasion! With the guy from kiss, you know?"

Duffs eyes went wide, "Hold on! Your mark Slaughter!"

Mark nodded, "yea! Actually."

My sister sighed, "Oh, this is just great," she walked over to me as Duff walked over to Mark.

"Just perfect," I sighed, watching Duff and Mark talk about band things.

"Hey, at least they get along?" My mom asks.

"Yea, you're right," I nodded, sitting down on the arm of the couch, "What's with this family and band boys?"

"Yep, I used to be in a band!" My dad smiled.

"A big band?" Duff asks.

It was after dinner. We were all sitting around in the living room. Me and Duff on a small two-person couch, my mom in her recliner, and my dad next to her. Ivy and jasper were playing on the floor, Mark and Katie, on a small two-person couch next to my dad and Anita and Vincent on the couch in front of them.

"Not like big big, but we did go around different states a bit," my dad shrugged.

"What states?" Mark asked.

"Well, we were from Seattle, so California, Arizona, Oregon, Nevada– just close states."

Duff and Mark seemed interested in what my dad was saying, but me and my siblings and I have heard the stories many times, so I didn't care to fully listen.

"That's awesome!" Duff exclaimed, "what was the name of the band?"

"The Hoffmans," my dad simply answered, "it was my brother's and i."

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