chapter 1, page 4.

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Wednesday, July 26th, 1987.
.... 5:36PM

"Where are they gonna sleep?" Duff asks Dale, pointing to me and Danielle.

"they can get their own room, sleep with one of yall, don't care, just let me know in like a minute." Dale shrugs.

"Well, Rose, you know you can room with me," Duff winked.

"I know, but danielle?" I tell him, looking at danielle.

"Oh, don't worry, I want a room alone."

"See that solves it," duff hums.

"Are you sur-" "Yes, I'm sure, Rose," Danielle cuts me off.

"Okay," I breathe out, nodding.

"Dale, Rose is gonna room with me, danielle wants her own room," Duff semi yells at Dale.

"Alright," Dale gives a thumbs up.

"Gonna have a good night then?" Steven puts his arm around me.

"Go find a groupie to fuck with," I take his arm off of me.

"I already did," he smiles, pointing to the girls in the corner.

"Duff," Steven looks at duff.

"Mh?" Duff hums back, steven hands him a condom.

"I have one, you think I'd go on fucking tour without some?" Duff laughs at Steven.

"One more, then you might need." Steven puts his hands up.

"Keep it, you might need it with the stds running around." Duff points to the girls in the corner.

"Maybe," Steven laughs, grabbing it back.

"What am i seeing?" Danielle sips on her drink.

"a maybe drugged out steve," I shrug.

"Okay so, here are your keys rose and duff," Dale hands us our keys, turning to danille, "here are yours, you're in room 252" he smiles at her, "and yall are in 254."

"As long as we don't have steven right by us, we will be fine." I laughed.

"hiya neighbors, you got 254, right? I got 253, axl has 255," he smiles.

"Jinx, shit." I mumble.

"Slash has 256, then izzy has 251" he smiles again.

"Maybe izzy isn't as bad," danielle shrugs.

"Don't hold yourself on that" duff says to danielle.

"I'm going to my room, knock if ya need me," Steven says, walking away.

"Yea, I'm going to my room, see ya," danielle walks off.

"May as well go to our room, ain't much to do out here," I shrug.

We walked to our room, just in silence really.

"This is 254, right?" He asks, squinting at the number.

"yes dimwit, do you need glasses more than me?" I laugh at him, unlocking the door.

"This is nice." I look around, "we have a whole view, look at how nice it looks." I look out the window.

"One of the nicer ones I've been in," duff puts the stuff down.

"Close half of the window. It's so bright in here. We don't even need the actual light," he breathly laughs.

I close the curtains halfway, still being able to have light come into the room.

"That bus smelt like cigarettes and beer," I huff, laying back on the bed.

'Love again - Duff Mckagan.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu