chapter 1, page 7.

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Friday, July 29th, 1987, 1:46PM
.... concert day

I wake up, kinda confused on where I am for a second, seeing that I'm on the bunk with duff and not where I fell alsep.

Wait, I fell asleep?

I try to roll off of Duff, forgetting I'm on the top bunk with him, knowingly it's not safe, what so ever.

"Fuck," I hit the ground hard, landing on my back.

"You okay?" Danielle pops her dead from the kitchen part of the bus.

"Yeah, that shit hurt Hella bad." I rub my back.

"Hella, what that?" She asks, confused.
"Oh uh, heard katie say it, something about it being part of the new slang?" I shrugged as i got up.

"We stop at the hotel in like, 30 minutes," Dale says, looking up from his newspaper.

"What time do they have to be at the gig?" I ask, sitting down infront of him on the booth.

"4," he replies rather quickly, I nod, grabbing a cigarette from a box on the table.

"Do you even know who's that is?" Dale asks me, looking at me, werid.

"Nope," I laugh, lighting it. I hear faint music in the background.

"Turn that up," danielle yells.

Photograph by def Leppard, rad.

"Photograph, I don't want to." I sing to the lyrics, danielle bobing her head to it.

"You like this?" Dale side eyes me.

"Yes?" I look at him, werid.

"You've gone straight to my head!" Danielle sings, making Dale groan at her.

"my 13 year old daughter sings this. God, it's annoying." he straightens his newspaper out, huffing at the song.

"What the fuck is this?" Izzy comes into the room.

"Photograph by def Leppard," I reply, "or was, it's over now."

"Hey, is that my cigarette?" He asks, pointing to the cigarette in my mouth.

"Oh, this pack is yours? Sorry, " I shrug, tossing him the pack.

"Yes, you owe me one now," he huffs, taking one out.

"See, now turn that up." izzy gestures to the song, having Dale turn it up more,
"This is what I would've wanna wake up to."

"Damaged soul by black sabbath, oh," danielle kinda ignored it, going to read something.

"Hold on, you don't like black sabbath?" Steven peeks out of his bunk, falling out.

"No, not really," she shrugs.

"no fucking way!" slash pops out of his bunk.

Steven gets up and dusts himself off, "you don't like black sabbath?" He asks, looking at her with a werid look.

"No?" She asks, confused on why they are looking at her werid.

"Gag on a fucking spoon, what?" Slash shocked says.

"she listens to Madonna, def Leppard, queen, kiss, pat benatar, tears for fears, Billy idol, that kind of stuff," I make off of what I've heard and seen her play.
"Micheal Jackson to."

"Okay, queen, def Leppard, okay, okay kiss but no motorhead, black sabbath, mettalica, deep purple, areosmith?" Steve asks, "Hell, do you even listen to us?"

"I listen to yall, none of the others, through," she states, seeming like nothing is wrong.

"My god, I'm gonna keep this veg, you need a better taste in actual music." Slash, he runs his hands over his face to wake up.

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