chapter 2, page 4.

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Thursday, August 18th, 1987.
.... 1:01PM (skip a few days)

"Hey mom, what's up?" I ask into the phone.

My mom had called the hotel, said Danielle's mom gave her the number to the current hotel I was staying at to call me.

I hear a cough over the phone then shuffling around, "hey kiddo," my dad picks up the phone.

He didn't sound happy- he sounded sad, like something was wrong.

"Hey pops! How's it goin?" I ask happily, maybe that will cheer him up.

"Its goin' alright, How is it with duff and the tour?"

"Its going awesome! Duff is great," I smile, seeing duff on the bed infront of me while I'm leaning on the wall by the phone.

"Thats good hunny but we need to uh-" my dad's swallows, "tell you something," he coldy said, a bit of sadness with it.

"Yeah dad? Everything alright?" I was concerned, he never sounded so.. so dead?

"Theres no real easy way to say this but- but your mom has cancer, sweetie" he takes a shakily breath.

My whole demeter changes in a second, my face drops.

"What?" I let out, my tone changing instantly.

"She has stage 4 lung cancer, there isn't much change treatment will keep it out of her," he states, "she is slowly dying, she was also discovered with als."

The words out of his mouth hit like a brick to my chest, "but- but there's no treatment for asl."

That's when he sighs, "yeah, even if she gets past the treatment for the lung cancer her muscles are still going to give out, they already have started to."

Tears start to fill my eyes, sadness rushes over me.

"I'll come home."

Duff rushes up when he hears that, my dad slowly starts to talk, "no, hunny your mom wants you out there," he breaths into the phone, "promise her this though."

"Go on" I state, holding the tears that are holding to spill out.

"You'll come back for Thanksgiving and chrismas, new years even" my dad asks.

"I will be back for Christmas and new years, I promise."

I hear a whisper before my dad speaks, "she wants duff to," he slightly laughs.

"I'll bring duff aswell," I smile at it.

My mom has always loved duff, he was her sweet angel since my brother wasn't around the house much as he moved out, she cared for him.

My mom was my whole world, she was there for me threw everything and I never ever couldn't trust her.

We never grew up rich or anything like that, she and my dad had trouble paying for dance for me and my sister and the bills but they manged to.

I loved her with all my heart.

"I love you, I love mom, tell Katie I said I love her to"

My dad hums into the phone, "your mom says I love you to and I love you to, so does katie, bye hun."

The line goes flat and I break down the minute I hang it on the wall, the tears I held back rushing out at lighting speed.

What the hell man.

3rd person POV:

Duff rushed to her side in a instant, "shh its okay, don't worry" he cooed in her ear, holding her in his arms as she sobbed uncontrollably.

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