Chapter Ninety-One: Canadian Possibilities

Start from the beginning

Outside Vancouver

That night found Jay sitting on a wooden swing strung up on an old oak tree in the back garden of their temporary domicile.  The trip back from Harpers Bay had been without much conversation and as soon as they arrived at the abode the young man had sought solitude in the only slice of nature available to him.  The tranquil surroundings were at odds with his tumultuous thoughts.  If Parker was correct, and it seemed highly likely he was, King had yet again managed to surprise him with the sheer vindictiveness of his actions.  It rankled Jay no end that he could not cite a reason for the Killers' focus on him.  The familiarity of being hurt for no reason other than to inflict pain meant his childhood nightmares were again being revisited, no matter how hard he tried to smother them.  The helplessness he had felt as a child was now a reluctant companion again and the anger he felt over that threatened to overpower his usual staid acceptance of whatever circumstances he faced.  Sighing as he heard soft footfalls approaching on natures' lush green carpet he raised his head to ascertain which of his friends had decided to brave his company.  A smile burgeoning on his features he greeted Al.

"So you drew the short straw huh?"
"Nope," the older man grinned smugly, "I won."
"You want me to leave?" the older man asked without preamble.
"No," Jay sighed, "sorry just .....,"
"Nothing to be sorry for.  Of all of us you're the one who has every reason to be in bad form yet you're not."
"Don't know about that," Jay argued quietly.
"Hell compared to the rest of us you're an angel.  I'd be biting peoples' heads off left, right and centre."
"No you wouldn't.  That would be Voight."
"You might have a point," Al conceded with a wry grin, "he isn't exactly known for being laid back."
"No kidding!" Jay scoffed.
"Schucks we can't all be calm, cool and collected but you somehow manage it despite everything."
"You got something to say Al?" the young man asked knowing it was unlike his companion to procrastinate yet sensing intuitively he had something in particular on his mind.

"Wanted to know what you think of Parkers' suggestion."
"I think it has merit," Jay noted with a frown, he had made that clear in the house, "what do you really want to ask?"
"You have any idea at all why King is fixated on you?"
"You know I don't.  We've discussed this.  I have no idea who he is and if he ever came across me in any way it was without my knowledge."
"If Parkers' theory is right that means this goes further back than the killings we began investigating in New York," Al stated, "it means he's been targeting you for years."
"I know," Jay nodded guiltily.
"It's not your fault," the older man insisted, "I'm just wondering if that opens up more possibilities for you to have interacted with him on some level."
"So I'm a Liar now?" the pain in Jays' quiet voice bespoke his hurt, he had never expected the seasoned Detective to doubt him.
"No man! I know you haven't lied.  I would never expect you to."
"So what are you saying?"
"I'm just wondering if you've considered every possible situation he could have come into contact with you.  I'm not questioning your word Kid.  It's solid gold as far as I'm concerned."
"But you think I met him at some point," the younger man noted aggrieved.
"I think given the level of animosity he has towards you personally it's got to be based on something other than jealousy or envy or at least something more.  All I want you to do is think about it for a while."
"You think I haven't been asking myself the same question every single day?  That I've forgotten something is not a new idea but I can't recall anything and that's the truth.  It doesn't make a difference if it's been going on for years because I still can't remember any occasion we came into contact.  I've gone over my Ranger days and he wasn't there."
"Okay Kid," the moustached man eyed his companion on the still swing seriously, "I never doubted your honesty Kid.  This is just me asking you to double check." 
"Sure Al," Jay accepted the words knowing his friend wouldn't be shy about calling him out if he really thought he was being untruthful.
"You ready to come in? Kevin and Antonio were ganging up on Parker and Murphy about pizza or Chinese.  Me? I'm just glad Adam isn't on kitchen duty," Al patted his stomach, "last nights' grilled chicken nearly killed me!"
"Me too!  Not sure how you could mess up chicken but he managed it!" Jay stood up and they strolled towards the house side by side.

Voight had been watching the two men surreptitiously from his place inside the darkened living room.  He had known why his old friend wanted  to talk to their youngest but had warned him to thread carefully because right now Halstead was being pummelled  and he didn't need any further stress to deal with.  He had seen the brief flicker of hurt which had crossed the young mans' features but was relieved when it was not followed up by anger.  The Kid had yet again won his admiration.  He just wished the young Detective wasn't constantly been presented with unwanted opportunities in which to do so. 


The following afternoon Adam and Kevin accompanied Jay to the nearest hospital, over his protests, to get his hand checked out.  It had become obvious to everyone that the injured hand was causing their friend serious pain, even though he never once gave voice to any discomfort.  After a wait of two hours the young man was eventually taken for an x-ray and subsequently sequestered in a curtained off cubicle where his two friends sat patiently.  The middle aged female Doctor had tut tutted her way through an examination of the hand before ordering the x-ray.  She had not however enlightened them on her findings.  Adam and Kevin had exchanged worried looks when their friend didn't seek answers but they wordlessly decided to wait until the x-ray results were back before asking their own questions.

"So what do you think King will do now?" Adam broke the silence.
"Nothing good," Jay replied with a heavy sigh of regret.
"You reckon he wants you dead?" Kevin wondered softly, they had considered this possibility before but he wanted to know if his friends' view on the subject had changed in the intervening period.
"May be his ultimate goal but clearly he's still interested in playing games for now."
"Hell he could have taken you out numerous times," Adam reminded grimly.
"Damn glad he didn't," Kevin stated gratefully as the curtains were parted to reveal the Doctor.

As Jay listened to the medical professional go over the results of the x-ray and explain about the infection which was the cause of his increased pain in the hand he found his mind wandering to more pressing matters.  Canada was an unknown quantity for the team but if it turned out King had in fact operated a business there it meant he had a big advantage over his Pursuers.  Knowing  ones' environment was a vital asset in any pursuit after all. Stifling a sigh the injured man brought his attention back to the Doctor as she prescribed a course of antibiotics and arranged to give him an initial dose via injection.  The hand was proving problematic but it wasn't the pain and discomfort which concerned Jay.  What worried him was its' ability to hinder his physical actions if he somehow managed to face his nemesis.  It was becoming increasingly clear King was edging towards a final confrontation which the young Detective was looking forward to.  The pent up emotions he was keeping in check with an indomitable resolve demanded an outlet.  He just hoped when the time came he could control the fury which had slowly been forming as the investigation progressed.  His friends saw him as being in control.  They would be surprised to know he feared his stoic nature was about to crumble ......


Authors' Note

In relation to bankruptcy I'm not sure if Canadas' laws allow for the same loopholes that American laws apparently do but for the purpose of the story we'll assume they do!

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