(Season 2 Start!) Chapter 18 - First Contact

Start from the beginning

Seeing his confused and astonished look, Olivia decided to have mercy on him and simply explain what it all was for.

"These magic stones are a gift from my family to show our appreciation for not only saving my life, but the lives of those present at the auction. You not only saved my life, but my reputation as well. And for that, we would like to personally offer you these A Ranked monster stones and contract to a newly formed dungeon that appeared in Alaska as a token of our gratitude and future cooperation." She says evenly in one breath.

Puck immediately something was off at this.

Not only was the Weepingbell a large and powerful family with the backing of several high ranking guilds and countries.

But they were also a huge conglomerate that looked at profits first, and everything else second.

Even their self image came second.

So the only reason why they'd send their well known beauty of a daughter to give these things to him as a sign of "thanks"....

Was to really try and win over a potentially powerful and future high ranker.

Especially with that contract.

Puck didn't say anything yet, he simply picked it up and looked it over.

There weren't any hidden objects or words that would sign his soul over to them.

But it was incredibly suspicious.

The magic stones were understandable since you could easily buy those if you had the money....

But a contract to a dungeon pretty much gave you ownership over it.

Not even the Awakener's Bureau had the power of right to sign a contract to a newly formed dungeon until it's investigated first.

And even then, if it's too dangerous or has the potential to be of a high rank/risk.

The government would take priority and simply send in a few guilds to preemptively destroy it.

So this....

This wasn't just a contract or a show of power....

This was....

"A threat." Puck immediately thought to himself.

He glanced up from the contract to look at Olivia's face, a small bead of sweat sliding down his cheek.

He was smet with the same kind smile as before and he couldn't help but let out a small amused huff from nose.

Puck gave Olivia a wide grin before suddenly snatching the suitcase from her grip.

"Tell your family I said thanks! And if they ever need anything, don't be afraid to call! Okay?" He said before giving her a two fingered salute and disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Olivia was left there, alone, in a daze.

She blinked before letting out a small sigh of defeat, a small smile gracing her lips as she looked up towards the orange sky, showing signs of the sun beginning to set.

"I hope I didn't come off the wrong way...." She mumbled to herself before a hand on her shoulder suddenly shook her from her thoughts.

"Milady, your mother's on the phone. She was wondering if you had successfully made contact with your savior." A woman dressed in the same way as the man before says with holding a phone to her ear.

Olivia simply smirked and elegantly wiped a strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"Tell my mother.... That I found the one...." She says mysteriously, only for her assistant to smirk.

"Roger, I'll inform your mother that you found a suitable partner." The woman says before disappearing.

Olivia immediately realized her mistake as a huge blush appears on her face. "W-Wait a second! That's not what I meant and you know it!" She screams to the empty alleyway, only to be met with silence.


Olivia's scream fell on deaf ears.

For it was already too late.

The hands of fate were already set in motion....

And Puck's destiny....

Was about to come to light.


End, Chapter 18~

Author's Note: Next chapter we'll be taking a look at Puck's first "official" solo dungeon! Get ready for it! Cause I'm pulling out all the stops! ÒwÓ

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