Chapter 9

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The scene before me looked like my worst nightmare amplified a thousand times. It reminded me of that movie I saw long ago that I can barely remember about the weird-looking creatures devouring everything in their path.

My grandma's kitchen was taken over by a large group of goblin-like creatures, similar to the one I thought I saw in my dream. A dream which seemed more and more like reality. A terrifying, hard-to-believe reality.

Grandma ran in after me and let out a cry of shock, instantly putting herself between me and the danger. Unlike me, who froze like a coward, she sprang into action, grabbing a nearby frying pan and standing guard before me.

Perhaps her bravery was rubbing off on me, or I cared too much about my only remaining family member. Either way, I pulled myself out of the terrified stupor that had suddenly possessed me and decided to do something. Instead of getting a weapon as my grandma did, I quickly switched our positions, putting myself in harm's way.

"Did you really think you could escape us by hiding at your grandmother's house?" the creature I was pretty sure was named Ahriman said jeeringly. "How utterly pathetic."

When the sharp, needle-like teeth started moving toward me, I remembered what Andromalius had told me. With clumsy fingers, I pressed on the beautiful blue ring that seemed to hold all the secrets of the oceans and the skies, wondering if it would work. How hard was one supposed to press a magical ring given to you by a half-angel half-demon who apparently knew you in the past?

Soon enough, the goblin-like creature's teeth were so close to me that everything I saw was the shiny glimmer of those deadly incisors. Suddenly, everything went dark.

It took me a moment to realize it wasn't the pitch-black darkness one experiences during a blackout but a fluffy, feathery darkness with a strange texture.

"Ahriman, you really have a death wish, don't you?" an angry voice I recognized said. "You know she is under my protection, and you still dare do this. Even expose yourself to a human!"

My terrified mind started recovering from a shock of a horror movie becoming a reality in one's kitchen of all places, and I realized what stood before me, sheltering me from danger, was Andromalius's large wing. Looking at it, I dazedly stroked it, unaware of what I was doing, as the action felt so familiar.

I could feel a slight ripple run through him at the touch, but his pose and fury toward the creatures didn't lessen. What did happen was that the wing wrapped itself around me, completely enclosing me in its warm, protective embrace.

"She was supposed to get seriously hurt in that bus accident, and you know it!" Ahriman snarled. "I am just doing my duty."

"Yes, I am aware of that," Andromalius said with contained rage. "However, I have already sorted that out with those above us and received my punishment for her. There is nothing for you to do here."

"What about her unique status?" Ahriman asked, clearly unprepared to give up that easily. "Something like her should not be allowed to exist."

Before I could wrap my head around what was being said, I was quickly moved aside. As I peeked over the top of the wing, I saw Andromalius using his other wing to smack one of the goblins who employed a sneak attack on the side. The creature crushed loudly into the kitchen cupboard, breaking it in half.

Other creatures started attacking as well. After that, everything was a blur. I could see distant images of what was going on, but it felt like I wasn't a part of it, as if I was in another world watching the events unfold but not participating in them.

"No, you don't!" I heard Grandma exclaim as one of the creatures tried to get me from behind.

Her words were followed by a loud smacking and crushing. I couldn't clearly see what was happening in all that confusion. But I was sure she smacked one of those beings with her frying pan, stopping it rather effectively.

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