Chapter 7

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I woke up feeling more rested than I had been in years, wondering how that was possible. Didn't I have a horrible nightmare that woke me up in the middle of the night?

Hazy images dashed around my mind like broken pieces of a beautiful mosaic I had to put back together. I knew there was something in it that would help me understand the situation I was in, maybe even bring me one step closer to understanding HIM. However, I couldn't piece it all together.

My mind was dazed. I could only catch strangely disconnected sentences.


Mere human.

Broken bones.

Even though I knew I had to figure it out, I decided to stop thinking about it, to put it at the back of my mind, let it simmer, and focus on the day ahead. Usually, when I stopped trying hard to figure something out was the time when I managed to do so. Besides, if Andromalius wasn't lying, he would return with some answers. I needed to be ready for that.

Interestingly enough, I believed Andromalius's story at that moment even though I had no idea what was the turning point for me. I felt the certainty in my heart and chose not to question it.

As I splashed water on my face, I couldn't help but be thankful that it was Saturday and that I didn't have to worry about work on top of all the supernatural and weird stuff that was going on in my life.

A few of my colleagues know my mental health history. It would have made everything so much more awkward if I behaved strangely, which was bound to happen with my state of mind.

Even as I got ready for the day, my brain didn't stop working a mile a minute, thinking through all the possibilities as strange images flickered before my eyes at random intervals feeling very important.

Under those circumstances, it was no wonder I almost shrieked when, after checking my attire in the mirror, I saw a strange swirl from which Andromalius stepped out like a model stepping onto the catwalk.

"Oh, my God!" I exclaimed, putting my hand to my chest.

"Nah, it's more like the opposite," Andromalius said, smiling the strange little smile I both loved and hated.

"Andromalius, you can't just barge into someone's bedroom, especially not a girl's room!" I yelled at him, trying to hide how flustered I was by his sudden appearance.

"Need I remind you that my abode is in hell," Andromalius said emotionlessly. "There are no rules in hell."

I could see what he was trying to do, and I was annoyed that he actually did distract me, annoyed me so much that all my questions and worries were momentarily forgotten. Why he kept doing that was beyond me, but it worried me. What was so terrible that he felt he needed to constantly divert my attention from it?

"Would you please stop stalling and tell me. Am I going to die?" I asked as fear took permanent residence in my heart.

It occurred to me that he might be acting the way people with terminally ill family members do, trying to distract them from death by some trivial matters that are supposed to occupy their attention so they could enjoy the rest of the time they had.

"I told you it's not as simple as that," he said, back to his serious self that I was more used to and strangely more comfortable with than his sarcastic smiles and insincere laughter. "Shall we go somewhere more...appropriate, or shall we stay in your bedroom?"

The suggestive note in his voice was a strange addition. However, I ignored it, assuming it was just another way for him to make me angry and lose track of my thoughts and all the questions I needed answers to. Who knew supernatural beings could be so shifty?

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