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Even if the mask covers his face, everyone knew that Daikon was very angry

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Even if the mask covers his face, everyone knew that Daikon was very angry. The aura he's displaying was beyond anything they felt. It's as if Hulk and Thor joined forced, with Daikon together with them and that sounds dangerous.

Tony: Daikon...I need you to step-

Daikon clenched his fist and an explosion occurs behind Tony. Everyone looks and sees a big crater formed behind him. Tony shuts up, knowing Daikon doesn't want to hear his voice after yesterday.

Daikon: I was gone for a long while...and I never seen such shit hitting the fan like this. I mean, you two just had to bring people who are not involved with your childish squabble. Not only that, you brought those who're fine with staying away from this situation, and force them fight a battle they don't want to do.

Steve: Daikon...I know you're angry...but we just need to get to Siberia. The real person responsible is-

Daikon: gonna die when I get there first. I promise I was kill everyone involved with HYDRA, but now this situation has gotten complicated.

Spiderman: M-mr. Daikon. I-

Daikon: Spidey...buddy...I'm having a headache just seeing you away from home so please be quiet and let me speak.

Spiderman: Yes, sir.

Tony: So it was you that gave him the suit and tech?

Daikon: What? Are you gonna lecture me now, Tony? I had enough. This fight is pointless.

Rhodey: Daikon, you don't-

Daikon: Oh and look who's here? Uncle Hawkeye decided he still had enough gas when he should stay at him with his kids and wife rather than be involved and be considered a criminal. Not only that, you brought Wanda and Pietro and whoever's Ant-Man here which was unnecessary and now I have to deal with the fact that they're enemies of the retarded UN.

Wanda: Daikon, I know that you're angry-

Daikon: Angry? Nah. I'm not angry babe. In fact I elated that this happened, so that I can lecture all you dumbcunts-

Tony: Enough, Daikon!

Steve: This is something that doesn't involve you, Daikon.

Daikon: It does involve me. I know this fight is pointless. Why do it when you "points at Cap's team* will just get arrested and then escape while you "points at Iron Man's team* will be under strict supervision, to the point to stalking and I am in unease Spidey's safety, Tony. Guess you haven't thought that huh?

Tony: I did-

Daikon: No you didn't. I know for a fact that you must've threatened him by revealing his identity to those he love. Is that right, Spidey?

Spider-Man: Y-yeah. He did.

Daikon: And there you go. And Ant-Man. I heard about you. While I don't appreciate you breaking into a facility we owned, you seemed to be a good person, and joining this fight was a terrible decision. Both you and Spider-Man were made to do this against your will. And that pisses me off.

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