Lagos Mission

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Time passes and Daikon and Wanda's relationship was growing even more. Everyone knows about it and they're happy for them, though, now they're scared of what a powerful couple like them can do with one having the power of a witch and the other an unknown power that causes destruction.

Unfortunately, this fear was also shown by the United Nations, who felt they need to have both secure to prevent a future event that causes the Avengers to break up. Tony was instructed to monitor their strength so they can make sure they at least know how strong are they.

Sadly for them, Daikon was onto that plan and told Wanda about it. To ease her fears, he tells her to show small portions of their power and act tired so they could fool people into believing that was their full power. This has worked, though others were confused by this.

Anyway, the new hero from Queens, Spider-Man, has been seen swinging around, helping people in need and stopping criminals. He was given an updated suit from his older one from Black and upgraded webs and web slingers, which helped a lot. Some even saw him and Daikon working together.

Wanda has met Peter, who was having a fangirl attack about meeting Scarlet Witch, and that she and Daikon are dating. Though, promise to keep their meetings a secret.

However, in these past months, Daikon has experienced several changes himself. Once he noticed his hair is more spiker than before, his body had grown a bit more and had more muscle, his power even grew to the point that, knowing how strong Hulk is, could even come close to him.

What's more striking is that he has sharp fangs on his teeth. He didn't know how this has happened, so he secretly talked with Helen about checking his DNA. The results were shocking. Daikon's DNA from his earlier doesn't match his current strand.

Helen theorizes that, once Daikon's power was unlocked, his body started rejecting the effects of the serum and has been in a steady process of reconstructing his biology to how it was before while keeping if physical appearance. To what? That's up for Daikon to decide.

Knowing this, Daikon was intrigued, but at the same time, he felt the past should stay in the past and not dwell on it. He's a family, a job he loves to do, and a woman he cares about and protects her. And so, he moves on from that.

And now, we go to the beginning of the downfall of the Avengers. Starting at Lagos.

We see Wanda citing a cafe, adding sugar to a cup while stirring it.

Daikon: How's that drink, lyubov'? (Love)

Wanda: Fine. Needs to be sweeter.

Daikon: Well, I spy with my one little eye something sweeter. And it's currently smiling and trying to hide her cute red face. Come on. Don't need to be embarrassed. Let me see that smile.

Wanda: *chuckles* Stop.

Natasha: Hey, lovebirds. Focus on the mission at hand.

Daikon: Well, excuse me. I just wanted to bring up the mode before murder and mayhem occur.

Sam: By flirting with your girl?

Daikon: Yes. Do you have a problem?

Sam: No-

Daikon: Thought so.

Steve: Men, enough. All right, what do you see?

Wanda: Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target.

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