Birth of a New Being

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*at Avengers Tower*

The three took the Cradle to Tony and Bruce so they can examine it as Daikon and Nat stayed with them.

Bruce: I can work on tissue degeneration if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted.

Tony: Yeah, about that.

Daikon/Nat/Bruce: No.

Tony: You have to trust me.

Bruce: Kinda don't.

Tony: Our ally? The guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? I found him.

Daikon: What?

He pulls out a hologram of a core. It then spoke, and they immediately recognize the voice.

JARVIS: Hello, Dr. Banner.

Natasha: JARVIS? You're alive?

JARVIS: I am quite well, Ms. Romanov.

Tony: Ultron didn't go after JARVIS cause he was angry. He attacked him because he was scared of what he can do. So JARVIS went underground. Okay? Scattered, dumped his memory. But not his protocols. He didn't even know he was in there until I pieced him together.

Bruce: So, you want me to help you put JARVIS into this thing?

Tony: No, of course not! I want to help you put JARVIS in this thing. *Bruce shakes his head* We're out of my field here. You know bio-organics better than anyone.

Bruce: And you just assume that JARVIS' operational matrix can beat Ultron's?

Tony: JARVIS has been beating him from inside without knowing it. This is the opportunity, we can create Ultron's perfect self, without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality. We have to.

JARVIS: I believe it's worth a go.

Bruce: No, I'm in a loop! I'm caught in a time loop, this is exactly where it all went wrong.

Daikon: He's right, Tony. We can't afford to make the same mistake again.

Tony: I know what everyone's going to say, but they're already saying it. We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. You gotta own it. Make a stand. *Banner looks down as he shakes his head* It's not a loop. It's the end of the line.

Bruce, Daikon, and Nat look at the Cradle before Banner sighs and agrees to it.

Daikon: *looks at Tony* This better work, Stark.

Daikon and Nat leaves the lab as Tony and Bruce begin their work.

*much later*

Tony and Bruce are seen working on the synthetic body as Daikon and Nat put on some normal clothes as they drank coffee.

Tony: This framework is not compatible.

Bruce: The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes.

Daikon goes to take a sip until he felt something. His face went from calm to furious as he slams his cup before standing up.

Natasha: Hey, what's wrong?

Daikon: It's Steve. And he's with them!

Daikon walks off as Nat follows him. They then arrive to see Cap appearing with Wanda and Pietro Maximoff as they look at Tony and Bruce.

Cap: I'm gonna say this once.

Tony: How about "nonce"?

Steve: Shut it down!

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