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Hey! Sorry this chapter was not edited so it might be kind of bad. But your girl is TIRED. Anyways, enjoy <3

I waited patiently for days.... not knowing when he'd. be back or if he was even safe. And t freaked me out more than anything in the world. "You thinking about him won't help." I turned to my mom who was hovering over her laptop at her office desk. 

I sighed. "I know." 

"Well do your job if you have so much free time now." I smiled at her and got to my books. 

"How far along are you on the course?"

"I went through a bunch yesterday, almost to the end of my books. And as for this paper... I have a title." My mom threw her head back, laughing. 

"Better get to it then, huh?" I nodded and began scribbling down a thesis idea. "I'll go get coffees... so you mind if Alia joins us, she's been moody all day and I feel bad for your poor father. "

"Yeah, no problem." I nodded watching her gather her things. She shut the door behind her, leaving me to myself. And my wandering thoughts which had my eyes dropping down to the ring on my left hand. Both my parents knew before I did, and my dad was probably even more excited than I was.  I still haven't told everyone. My parents and Neo's family and closest pack members know, but I still haven't told Talya or any of my human friends. 

As if just the thought of her could summon her my phone dinged, Talya's name glowing on my screen. 


Just heard you're getting married?! No biggie just don't tell your absolute best friend about a huge milestone.... bitch


I'll tell you all about it and more.... dinner tonight? 

She replied 'Sure' and I nearly threw my phone across the room remembering the stack of papers I still had to read through and the essay sitting black in front of me. "Stop thinking about him!" I looked up to see the nurse looking at me, his eyes wide. My face reddened but I hid it as I crouched down to the paper, vigorously moving my pencil. 


"There you are!" Talya said, making me turn around to see he glowing woman, her gold beaded top making her look like the sun. 

"Hey!" We both hugged each other and then walked into the club... yeah dinner just wasn't going to cut it for either of us. Plus Talya insisted we celebrate, so we put on ou most scandalous outfits and I ended up taking a pre-game shot. 

"Am I allowed in?" I asked, turning to her. 

"You've never been here before?" She raised a brow. I shook my head, looking back up to the slightly lit-up but dingy-looking sign. 

"I don't think so." This club was a bit of a drive and there weren't any directions to it, so Talya had to give them manually. 

"Wow. Well, then you are in for a treat!" She can, but stopped abruptly looking dead for a wall. "Oh, you've got to be  shitting me." I followed her line of sight to Neron, his arms were crossed as he looked Talya up and down with a disgusted look. "What do you think you're doing here?" She snapped, placing fists on her hips. 

"Stop flattering yourself, I'm not here for you." His face softened a bit when he saw me. "Forgive me, I know you're used to privacy. But you are basically my Luna as of now, which means I just need to take extra precautions."

"Ok." I nodded, being more thankful that I had someone around. 

"What!" Talya spun around to face me. "No, no! It is not okay! this is a girl's trip." She said the last part to Neron. 

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