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A/N: Photo has nothing to do with the chapter, it just looked like Neo to me 
Enjoy! <3 (also feel free to picture characters however you want, the photos are just the way I imagined them to look)

Summer slipped out of my hands too fast. One morning I woke up to my room practically packed up in boxes. Even though I did all of that the night prior, it was still hard to think I was leaving. Ali asked me to take her to the park one last time before I left. And of course, I did. Zayn came with us and Dean tagged along because Mom told him it would be a good bonding experience.

"Look how high I can swing!" Ali called out to me from her spot on the swing as she flew backward and forwards.

"Good job Ali!" I shot her a thumbs-up. I turned to Dean who had his nose stuck in his phone. "Who ya talking to?" I bumped his shoulder jokingly.

"No one!" He brought the phone screen to his shoulder. Okay Mr.Smooth.

"Calm down it was a joke." He nodded.

"Lycan find their mate at eighteen right?"

"Woah aren't Mom and Dad supposed to give you this talk?" I teased as I watched Zayn crawl up the metal stairs to the playground.

"I'm serious."


"Has anyone ever found their mate younger?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What's all this mate talk about?" I asked while also trying to peer over his shoulder to read the text. Maybe I was just a bit curious. 

"Nothing, I'm just wondering." He shrugged it off. Weirdo.

"Look they're playing soccer over there, wanna join?"

"Sure." Dean ran over, shoving his phone into his pocket. I laid my head back against the park bench taking in the precious moment of the fresh wind. Mentally noting anything I can about my hometown to store and use later whilst on the sunny crowded beaches of California.

Ali leaped from the swings, landing on her feet in a crash that made me wince, but she took off behind me. "Ali!" I called after her and stood up only to be shocked by Neo leaning against his car. "Hello, Alpha." I nodded as I grabbed my sister's hand. My sister looked up to Neo in awe. I made sure to call him by his professional; title since he had his ceremony last month. Without any warning or preparation, might I add.

"Hello, Chloe." I sneered at the tone in which he regarded me. Like a child. "And hello Ms.Avci." He leaned down to greet Ali, which I'll admit gave him a few points for wholesomeness.

"What can we do for you alpha?" I plastered on the cheesiest smile I could.

"I wanted to speak with you." I raised my eyebrows as if to say, go on. "Let's walk." He gestured to the path around the park.

"Ali go play."


"This is a boring talk, the park looks much more fun." At the Alpha's command, Ali was skipping back to the swings.  He's even got the pack kids wrapped around his fingers. "I heard you've been joining Salma in the office?"

"Yes, I have." I joined my mom five times since July. Considering she worked all summer and I was leaving, I decided it would be nice for us to bond a bit as well. Even if it was in an office wearing scrubs. 

"And how was it?"

"Hello, Alpha." A woman walking a baby in a stroller greeted as she walked by. Neo nodded his head simply, a small warming smile meeting the two.

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