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My skin was still warm and the fluttering feeling in my chest and stomach was even more alive as I opened my eyes, the sun was up, but it didn't blind me. Nothing felt out of place or weird, not after the night I had.

Last night, I thought that when I woke up I would feel instant regret. But there was nothing other than pure bliss. I kicked my leg behind me to search for him, needing him close. But when there was nothing I jumped up. "Neo?" My god, I was very clingy apparently. I checked the time to see it was half past noon, which makes sense considering there is a literal murder scene just a few miles away. But there was no note left as far as I could tell.

So I sat down and did anything to occupy my brain from thinking of yesterday. I watched trashy tv and broke into the secret chocolate stash I always had in my bag. Once I had enough of all that, nausea hit me once again. The feeling of the hand locked around my wrist, and it all felt so real.

And for the first time that morning I threw up, thankfully I just barely made it to the toilet. And once I was done I scrubbed my body in the shower, sad because it got rid of Neo but feeling better already. I also made sure to brush my teeth over and over again until any foul tastes were gone.

I walked out, only in my bra and some shorts I brought in case of something like this. And then I just sat and stared at a wall. That's it. That's how I spent however long until the click of the door lock sounded. And my skin felt alive again when Neo came in, three grocery bags in hand.

"Hey, I'm so sorry for leaving." He dropped his things and came over to me, feeling up my arms.

"No it's ok, I'm sorry."

"For what?" I was about to laugh until I saw the seriousness on his face.

"For burdening you-" Now it was Neo's turn to laugh. 

"Chloe, you didn't burden me at all."


"Goddess no." He kept laughing, and the way he looked at me, he took in my hair, my eyes, my neck, and finally the hands that latched onto his. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I lied. "I feel much better."

"Look about last night-"

"Can we not talk about it until we get home." Neo smiled once more, and something sparked inside of me at the image. I wasn't sure if I could be happier than I was at the moment.

"I was hoping you'd say that." And I lied because I could feel happier when he went to kiss me. And it felt kike a first kiss all over again. But when I took it slightly further by positioning myself just like I did last night he let go.

"Ugh." I groaned knowing what the look on his face meant. "Already?"

He smiled and nodded. "There were some... changes to the scene." He got up and fixed his clothes as he spoke. I continued calling him as he walked into the bathroom.

"Changes?" I stretched out my limbs before I slowly got out of bed.

"You don't have to come."

"After that cliffhanger of an explanation?" I snuck up behind him still watching him through the mirror as he combed through his dark hair. Wrapping my arms around his torso, I immediately felt warmer.

"Fine, but you promise you'll tell me if you need to leave."

"Deal." And with that, we quietly got ready together. I packed myself, desperate to get back to the pack house. I loved traveling, but I always got so claustrophobic living in places I wasn't familiar with. Probably why I had such a hard time moving into the pack house.

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