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Whispers were what guided me to the feeling of grass. Whispers I had no idea what they were saying, or even if they were saying anything at all. But I could feel the effects of the sounds they echoed. As if coming from one person and creating a dominoes effect.

"Hello?" I tried saying, but it just echoed through my head leaving me sore in the temples. Wake up! Wake up! I tried shaking myself from this horrible nightmare. All I wanted was to be back in Neo's arms. Or at least in bed... awake... for now.

"Hello?" I tried again but to no avail. I didn't feel present in my own body. I think that's what scared me the most. That I felt like I was being controlled by some outwordly force. I banged against my skin trying to get its release off of me. "Please." I cried one last time. But nothing changed not as my legs kept moving, my mind still in a fog.

Those hands released my body and I went tumbling down into the grass. The grass burning my bare knees. Suddenly the cold breeze whipped at my skin and I felt a headache beginning to form. I noticed the elementary school in the distance. I was at the children's field. I blinked trying to see through the dark.

A scream erupted from me when I felt hands on my shoulders. They immediately released me, and when I turned I immediately dropped my raised fist. It was a girl. No older than me. She was covered in blood- blood of the darkest black to the deepest red. The deep red made her orange hair stand out even in the dimmed lighting. Her big bright eyes took me in looking me up and down, snagging on my hip. I followed her gaze to it... blood. Not my blood though, it was black.

I couldn't help the acid that biled up in my throat as I threw up all over to the ground. The girl was behind me in an instant. Her surprisingly warm hands lifting my hair and drawing circles between my shoulder blades. Her touch immediately calmed me.

Once I was done, I leaned out of her touch to look at her once more. She was gorgeous, no doubt about that. But she still could be dangerous. "W-who are you." the girl just blinked. Finally, she opened her mouth but was interrupted. Her head shot to something behind her.

I tried looking out to the town ahead, but I couldn't see or hear anything. "Safety!" She ushered. "Bring us somewhere safe then we can talk. I nodded understanding. She got up in an instant and helped me up as well. I pointed behind me to the school.


"Perfect!" And then we were off. I was practically being dragged by this girl but I kept at a decent speed thanks to the track I did in high school. "Hurry." She said, not a hint of exhaustion lacing those words.

We finally made it to the doors. Locked. "Over here." I gestured to the side. Remembering there was a window that led to the janitor's closet that was usually kept open. And thank the goddess it was. "You first." The girl shook her head and I wasted no time pulling myself up and slipping through the thin open glass. I dropped down not as gracefully but made work on opening the door, giving space for the girl when she fell through.

Her hips were wider than mine, so I watched carefully as she struggled a bit to get through, but she did, immediately shutting the window before she dropped to the concrete ground. "I can get us upstairs-"

"No, we have to stay down on the main floor." I nodded, not understanding why but I listened anyway. If I learned anything living amongst werewolves it was that some things were better left unexplained.

We both quietly made our way through the dark halls, trying to avoid windows. But it was hard when there were so many. The school was fairly small, but we managed to find the library where we were concealed in between two bookshelves, a table hiding up in the front. The bright carpet under us was the only thing that kept me from being completely blind. 

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