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"Thanks again for watching them." I thanked Matteo as I put on a pair of pearl and gold earrings that mom gave me for Christmas last year.

"No problem at all, they're sweet."

"Pft." I laughed, "Stick around here long enough and you'll see how totally wrong that is." I caught a glimpse of Matteo shaking his head and laughing as he put on his shoes. "What time do we have to be there?"

"I don't know invite said eight, but if I'm being realistic Neo expects us to be there more like 7:30."

"So no fashionably late with Mister Alpha Faolan," I said in a mockingly deep voice.

"Nope, don't even consider doing it." I turned around once I was sure I was all ready. I was slightly choked at Matteo's dress sense, but rich kids had the budget for a good style I guess. I vaguely remember his Eastern European father being a wealthy businessman who owned a bunch of ocean-side hotels all around the Mediterranean coast. But he was still a fairly new addition to the pack.

"Where is your dad?" I asked suddenly, remembering how long ago it was since I had seen Matteo's father.

"He retired back to Italy, both my parents have houses in the home countries."

"Your mom isn't from Italy?" He shook his head, I guess you learn something new every day. 

"She's from Montenegro, but most of her families Albanian." I nodded.

I scoffed. "I've only met them like twice."

"Yeah, they don't do the small towns like this."

"So weren't you born here?"

He shook his head whilst adjusting his cuffs."California, we came over here because of the large lycan population. My parents thought it'd be better for us to get out and meet people like us. So we're both newbies." He flashed me a smile. 

I laughed and took the hand he offered. "Thank goodness I'm not the only one." He looked me over once more complimenting the look.

"You say that like you're surprised." I joked as I got into the passenger seat of his car.

"Only surprised because just his morning you were in a hoodie and jeans."

"I heard it's in style." Matteo was a lot of fun, we never spent that much time together but I think we will after this.

"Oh before we go." Matteo quickly paused once he pulled up the driveway, a line of cars parked in front of us. He reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a flask.

"Matteo!" I explained.

"Relax, I do it all the time." Then he threw the silver flask back and swallowed. He then handed it over to me.

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me you'll need it, shit goes down at events like this."

"I thought it was just pack members attending?" I asked as I grabbed the cold tin.

"Ha! Well, I won't spoil too much for you." I rolled my eyes and then took a drink of the liquor that burned down my throat. I've drunk before, but it was too overrated in my opinion. "Ready?" I nodded and followed him up to the door- hiding the nearly empty flask in one of the car's compartments.

"Mr. Dulik and Miss. Avci, welcome." A man in a suit greeted us at the door, taking anything we didn't want to be inside. Music and chatter came from a room in the back.

"Pretty fancy," Matteo said as he looked around at the decked-out great hall. My eyes widened as the even brighter chandeliers and fine white draped along the windows. At the sides of the room, were small circular tables with a wider ending, adding to the wonderful touch of the rest of the house.

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