The Largest House

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At the very last corner of the villa area sat the largest house, which encompassed three full lots. The fence was over two meters high, and this was not including the electrified mesh wires above it.

No wonder people thought the owner was a criminal. Regardless of whether or not it was true, this was a totally suspicious set-up, right?

With her Coat of Zombie Gunk, she sauntered to the gate and habitually pressed the doorbell.

She pressed it again and only saw zombies ambling near her due to the noise. She also heard scratches and roars inside the house.

She decided to take it as a sign that there weren't any survivors.

The katana on her hand she skilfully swiped the heads of the zombies. She was surprised by the number of them, though. She was only at the entrance and she had already dealt with twenty zombies.

The more she did it the more adept she got, and soon the dozen zombies that followed were really no problem at all.

She entered the grand hall of the house and she was met with shining riches—for example, a meter-tall golden statue—much more than what the politician's house contained.

Excited, she quickly swept the house and earned +120 gold easily from the displays alone. It was amazing.

Hyped up, she continued to explore the large house, taking some expensive wine from the cellar. Anyway, it could also be used for wounds.

She also met an upgraded zombie but with experience and her current level it was no longer a problem.

She eventually landed in the study. Obviously, there were plenty of secret documents she couldn't be bothered with.

Instead, she looked carefully around the room, using her improved eyesight to get clues on his safety deposit box.

How did she know there was something valuable here? Because there were a lot of zombies, including an upgraded one, in the area.

Sure enough, she saw an area that seemed a bit cleaner but also more worn out than other areas on the bookshelf.

With a creak, the rows of books were suddenly adjustable and could be pulled out. A bit excited, she pulled the book, and soon the shiniest safety deposit box she had ever seen was revealed.

She dutifully took it in her space,

[Received! +323 gold, +4432 silver]

She basically skipped along the hallway in glee afterwards. Then, she realized there were still more zombies!

She killed them and, upon realizing that there seemed to be more and more advanced zombies, she followed the direction they came from.

After dealing with every zombie that approached her, she heaved a sigh and sat down on a pretty upholstery to gather back some of the spirit she lost during the sprint. She allowed herself a quarter of an hour of respite before following the traces of the zombies.

She ended up on a dead end, to the end of a hallway covered with a massive painting extending from the ceiling soffit to the ground.

However, thanks to her observation skills and improved eyesight, she soon discovered that there was something unusual about the painting.

She looked closer and felt the texture of every surface she could reach and found a little indention at the side of the frame.

She saw that in the background there was a piece of grape a little shinier than the others. She pressed it but there was no reaction, and for a moment she thought she may have been overthinking.

After Surviving The Apocalypse, I Built A City In Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now