Going Home

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Ding! The elevator door opened, and another dozen or so zombies turned their heads to him.

With a bit more confidence this time, he threw the meat to the face of the nearest zombie.

The zombies rushed towards the fresh bloody meat and he took advantage to run towards his car.

He took most of the meat he had in stock, throwing them in opportune times until he reached his precious baby.

His car was actually a bulky-awesome-manly SUV model Monster 931. Most people would think he'd own sexy sports cars like the Leopard.

He was a bit of a macho and he liked larger cars, unlike his pretty boy image.

By the time the meat was gone he was already inside the car.

"Whew..." he mumbled, resting on the very comfortable upholstered chair of his car with its ergonomic design and breathable fabric.

He looked at the unchanged interior of his baby with a smile. "Forever reliable, yes you are..." he said, wiping the headboard, the backseats, and the wheels.

And finally, after taking a short breather, he turned on the engine. He reversed the car and stepped on the gas—


[+5 Copper, +5 Experience]


It quickly dawned on him at what he just hit and his eyes brightened.

After that, he headed to his target location, running over zombies and gained experience and copper by the way.

[+5 Copper, +5 Experience]

[+5 Copper, +5 Experience]

[+5 Copper, +5 Experience]

[+5 Copper, +5 Experience]

[+5 Copper, +5 Experience]

[+5 Copper, +5 Experience..

The road had been much smoother ever since.

This car, hereby referred to as Barbara, was a top of the line monster he bought with most of his dividends from the company.

Not only did it run fast and smooth, it had a strong bodice, and quiet engine. It was like he bought this car for the apocalypse.

Except when there were road blockages that he had to crash towards, he was basically unimpeded and unaffected by the chasing zombies for a good hour (gaining some experience as he went) until he finally neared the border of the city.

He looked at the back mirror and saw that there were still scores of zombies running after him.

He took out the counter bell he stole and threw it out of the car. The small sound was enough to distract the remaining zombies for a few seconds. It was enough for him to maneuver an escape.

Well, sort of. After all, there were still plenty of zombies in the suburbs.

Fortunately, it was much calmer and even with the new zombies running after him, he felt very calm. He found zombies a little cute now.

Sure enough, only huge cars were real cars.

He happily ran over zombies as he stared at his stats.


Name: Ansel Witt

Age: 23

Level: 1 (165/1000)

Life: 165/200

After Surviving The Apocalypse, I Built A City In Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now