Twenty seven

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Chapter twenty seven | Ekaterina
My cheeks redden further the more I remember everything I said yesterday, I quite literally begged Alexander to shower me, holy fuck.

"Why didn't you stop me?" I yell for my traitor of a sister to hear, "Stop what? did the drugs make you go insane or what?" She asks dryly from the couch as she stuffs her mouth with chocolate.

"I told him that he's HANDSOME, I also remember saying something along the lines of 'I WANT YOU TO SHOWER ME'" I mutter under my breath and walk towards her, she bursts out laughing as if the whole situation is fucking hilarious.

"Kiara," I warn and she makes a zipping motion over her mouth as she throws the imaginary key away, I arch a brow and just when I'm about to talk, my phone ring startles both of us.

I carefully grab it and my heart pounds heavily in my chest when I see who's dialing, Kiara's expression sobers up and she speaks "Is it him?" She asks warily, her eyes flitting around to make sure no one is here.

Apparently, Vladimir and Alexander left early today for some reason, I mutter a yes and click yes, "I'm going to do it." He says in a hushed tone and I swallow hard, exchanging looks with my sister.

"Look...I have an idea you just need to delay it a bit." I murmur under my breath, this is getting out of hand, and my somewhat feelings toward Alexander are making this harder, "you fell for him, didn't you?" He snarls and I let out a breath.

"Such a child." He mutters under his breath and I clench my teeth "Ivan, you can't do shit from your own mind, we both agreed on this." I say hurriedly, not trusting him one bit, "Yes princess, and now you're in love with your husband and you'll ruin our whole plan." His voice sends shivers down my throat because I know that he's not playing

But Alexander can end him in a second if I told him about it—no not going there, "You're right, but just give me time." I swallow the knot forming in my throat and ignore the hot moisture that's building up in my eyes.

Fuck, he sighs "Fine, two days and I need to see you again, there are some papers that you need to take a look at." He adds and I grit my teeth "I'm married, remember? How the fuck am I supposed to see you?" I mutter angrily as my sister shakes her head.

"Work it out, if you don't come, I promise you that you'll be taking his funeral in three days." He says in a cold threatening tone that makes me shudder, "Okay." I protest and end the call.

"This can't be happening." My sister says, her tone catching a hint of panic in it, "He's insane, what am I supposed to do?" I ask her, as my eyes meet hers, "I don't think he's lying, he'll probably do it if you don't see him." She says what I'm already fucking scared of.

"Do you think that—maybe I should tell Alexander about the whole thing, he'll dig into it further and give me the real truth-" my sister's glare makes me stop in my tracks, I clear my throat, "You won't tell him, that's our revenge and it needs to be delivered Katrina, you know that right?" She mutters.

"Yeah, whatever." I say and walk away from her, ignoring the sharp pain that's forming through my chest, there has to be a way to end this,

But I know for a fact that once the truth slowly gets revealed in front of Alexander, he'll never trust me again.

And I won't blame him.


"Oh my god." My sister's gasp makes me snap my attention away from my current painting as I call her name, she doesn't reply which just causes concern to start itching its way through my body.

I stand up, ignoring the paint that's smeared all over my clothes as I walk towards her, my lips part when my eyes meet Alexander's, Kiara is staring at Vladimir with equal shock as blood trickles down their bodies.

I slowly walk towards him as Kiara disappears in the hallway when Vladimir mutters something to her, "What happened?" I ask, my voice barely audible as a pained groan leaves Alexander's lips.

A string of curses leaves his lips and I gesture at the bathroom, motioning for him to go inside, his brows furrow "You know how to do stitches?" He mutters under his breath and my heart beats wildly in my chest as we both enter his fancy bathroom.

I've been here once, it was the same day he walked in on me while I was showering, one of my top most traumatizing experiences, my thoughts come to a halt when Alexander takes off his shirt, "Stay here, I'll get everything we need." I order with a warning finger and he nods.

It takes me a couple of minutes before I finally find the things I will need, when I come inside again I find him leaning against the wall for support, he's not the type who shows that he's actually in pain, so if he's suffering like that it must be fucking shitty.

"Okay, I'm gonna wash all this off, alright?" I whisper as I pat some alcohol on the cotton pad I have, his lids droop as he nods, his eyes holding mine as I stare at him for a beat before wiping away the blood.

Fuck, if it wasn't for the fact that I've always seen worse than this I'd have been screaming right now, "This definitely needs stitches." I murmur "Really? Never thought it'd." The sarcasm in his tone is undeniably obvious.

I look up at him, fire caught in my gaze as I glare in his direction "I'm capable of hurting you right now, so you better stop being so funny." I state dryly and try to feign a threatening tone, his lips twitch and a small smile tugs at his lips even though the fucker is clearly in pain.

"Is that an order?" His bloodied finger tugs at my chin so that I'm staring right into his eyes, "I don't know, is it?" I mutter and avert my gaze away as I search for the needle, the moment I start stitching he groans, his head falling back as his expression turns into a pained one.

I internally grimace but I ignore it and lean down till I'm on my knees so that I'm in more control of his injuries, he breathes hard then pushes his wet hair out of his face to get a better look at his injuries I suppose—no at me.

Moments later I finally finish his damn stitches and stand up, washing my hands with hundreds of sanitizers and ignoring the way my breaths turned frantic as well for some reason, "Christ, are you done?" He asks under his breath and I nod.

Ignoring his gaze on me as he washes his hands as well, I start walking out but a strong hand grabs my arm as I turn around, my eyes clashing with a gray empty pair, no they're not empty, they're glazing with fire.

"You looked so fucking beautiful on your knees, sweetheart." His dirty words spread heat through my body as my spine jerks, I swallow hard and stare at him, wondering how the hell I got tangled in this mess.

"You can only dream of that view from now on," I reply mockingly, trying to calm the hurricane that's currently roaming through my body, don't get attached to him, Ekaterina, I continue telling myself that because I know what's coming.

And that is what's making this a hundred times harder, because I know that in a couple of days, Alexander will wake up and regret ever marrying me.

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