1.4. Fall of Skul

Start from the beginning

"Zoe, stay put. Don't move till we get back." He says and we all start to move towards the lift. Before Frank followed Dan stopped him.

"Frank! Zoe here alone? She could hack the mainframe." Dan still not trusting Zoe, and apparently Frank doesn't trust her fully as well as he shuts down the electricity of the base. Meaning the computers and lights are shut down.

"There. It's safe."

"Dan, come on." Aneisha says seeing as he was hesitant to leave Zoe alone in HQ. Dan got in the lift and before the door could close Frank locked them trapping Zoe in side.

"Doors lock."

We got to the office block on Stanley Road, in minutes just like Aneisha said. We rush up to the roof whilst trying to stay quiet. We see The Grandmaster and his get away plain. A few of his henchmen run up to him.

"Sir! sir, l've got a message. It's from the people attacking us!" Strange. Dan started speaking

"We go in fast and quiet. Take them by surprise. Agreed?" It was the classic spy plan. As we get ready to move Zoe comes up the stairs.

"Wait! I'm coming with you."

"Zoe! I thought I locked... asked you to stay in HQ?" Frank questions the girl.

"I can pick security locks. And I wanted to help." She needs to teach me how to pick a security lock with no technology at all, that will definitely come in use someday. Zoe carry's on.

"That book I've got it's the only one I was allowed at SKUL. It's about five friends who solve mysteries. I've never had any friends to help."

"Hey!" Great. We have been spotted there goes the element of surprise.

"All right fine, but stay behind me." Frank says in a hurry. And on that que we all go and run towards The Grandmaster.

"MI9. Like I didn't have enough problems! Gentlemen, do your worst.. What?! V:9:5? I thought you were at the emergency rendezvous?" The Grandmaster questions Zoe. So he didn't hear Stella or the fact that she was not in a moving vehicle. Said it once and I'll say it again how has SKUL lasted all this time.

"Yeah, well, we got to her first. Guess what, she thinks you suck! Tell him, Zoe." Aneisha says very confidently but when Zoe takes to long to answer she asks her again but with more concern.


"Come V:9:5, our situation has just got far more serious." The Grandmaster demanded. Zoe looks around at all of us and begins to walk towards The Grandmaster. I look at Tom not understanding if she is going to him because she betrayed us or what. Zoe then stops walking and The Grandmaster didn't like that.

"That's an order, V:9:5!"

"No. No, I'm never going back to SKUL. Never!" Oh that's good. Why she couldn't have just said that from where she was is beyond me. She really had me believing that she betrayed us for a second.

"Teenagers! Go get her!" The Grandmaster scoffed.

The two skull agents slowly walk towards us and Dan grabs one of the agents arms and used his other hand to push him in the chest as the SKUL agent stumbles backwards Dan goes behind the second agent and pushes him so that the two touch hands that causes a electrical shock, and they both fall on the ground unconscious.

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