|Chapter 24|

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I didn't get a good look at him just a quick glance before I ran. I didn't know he would be there. Well, he lives here so what do you expect? Yeah yeah. I lay in my bed just thinking. That's all I have been doing since I got done crying like two hours ago. Yes, it has been two whole hours that is a long time of crying but oh well.

I don't what to say of all of this. Should I forgive him I don't know. I can't make decisions; you know that is a lot of work to make a decision because you have to choose one and you just don't want to hurt the other one's feelings by choosing the other one. That is why I can never choose between McDonalds and In N Out. I don't want the other one to be sad because I chose the other one. Oh, frosted flakes now I'm hungry.

I sign and head downstairs to get some food, Auntie is out working I don't really know why but she is. She is always doing something she should rest. Anyways, what should I eat? I look in the fridge to see if there is anything I could make or leftovers. Well, I could make chicken salad. Ooo! That sounds amazing. Okie it is decided I shall have chicken salad. YAY!

Once I make my chicken salad, I add my dressing of choice which is ranch of course. Who doesn't like ranch dressing it is gorgeous! I go to the living room to watch some TV while eating because right now I have no one to talk to. Sad, I know. For some reason I want to watch the news to see what's going on in the world. I click on the channel, and it begins to play.

There's is a woman maybe in her early thirty's. I don't know she has blonde hair that goes just below her shoulders curly at the ends and she has brown eyes. The bottom of the screen says breaking news in all capital letters. "Breaking news we have just found the 20th body this week! This victim goes by the name 'Frankie Martinez' he has the same background as the other victims. He is a drug lord and a sex trafficker." The women say into the microphone. Oh my! I wonder who is doing all these things. OH, and it's in my town how lovely. Well luckily this person only seems to be killing bad people, so I won't be next that's good news kind of. Oo! The lady is speaking again! Everyone shush!

"The police have a reason to believe that whoever is doing this may be a leader of a gang or mafia." Mafia? I was confused for a bit until Vince's voice goes through my ears. "Azura I'm in the mafia." "I only kill the bad people not the good ones I promise." My eyes go wide. Vincenzo! I stand up and the bowl breaks luckily, I finished my salad. I slowly go away from the broken bowl and start to think and realize. Vince is the one doing this because they said this week. Vince told me everything a week ago. This could be his way of coping with this 'break'. How could I be so stupid? I was so up in my feelings I forgot about Vincenzo feelings. How could I be so dumb? Vincenzo! I need to go see him like now! I was in my elephant onesie, but I didn't care and of course when I go to my front door and it's raining! It's like a movie or a book. And I have no one to drive me. Guess I have to run in the rain, but you bet I'm taking breaks.

I close and lock the door because we don't want any robbers and I start my exercise for the night... Like I ever exercise. Azura be focus head in the game!

Okay running in the rain is really tiring but I'm still going. Man, I really hope I make it there. I feel like I'm dying.


Finally! I made it alive! I run to the front door and swing it open. Archer, Matteo and Violets head come to look at the noise I just made. Their eye goes wide obviously because I'm here! "Azura! What the hell it is raining what is wrong with you. You're going to get sick! How long have you been out there?" Violet asks running to my side. I cough a little and then speak up. "Well from my house to here umm." I think for a bit. "An hour probably." I say calmly. "What the hell! Someone get towels and some warm clothes!" Archer yells then he yells again. "Vincenzo get in here quickly!" Everyone rushes to get towels and Violet takes me to the living room. Then I hear a door open then close and the heavy footsteps slowly make their way to me. Vince. I turn around and he stops. His eyes widen as he looks at me. "What the fuck happen!" He rushes to my side and grabs a towel from Matteo and wraps it around me. "Well, I just want to say first of all how upset I am that my onesie is wet I really like this one." Violet laughs a little, but I look into Vince eyes, and he is not laughing I can tell you that. "Before I tell you why I'm here can I get a change of clothes please?" He nods quickly and takes my hand and takes me to his room.

~My Azura~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu