|Chapter 23|

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So much goes through my mind. Why didn't he tell me? Was it for protection? Was he just selfish? Well, the last one can be crossed off he is not selfish. So, I think. What else is he lying about there could be so much more lies but he did tell that was the only secret. It's only been a week since Vince told me everything.

I sign as I lie in my bed with the blankets over me laying on my side hugging my Lucky while watching Netflix on my laptop to keep me distracted. Which wasn't working so far. I mean Violet has been my best friend for a while now and she didn't even say anything. How could she. Again, they could have done this for protection. All the sudden I gasp and sit up straight. I was kidnap why I don't know. Could it because of Vinces? Probably. He hasn't told me anything.  Oh, snicker doodles all this thinking is making my brain hurt again. I should stop and push them out of my mind.

"Zura sweetie would you like to bake some cookies with me? "Auntie says opening my door a little bit. My eyes go wide. Cookies and baking yes please. "Yes!" I say all excitedly. Auntie smiles and shakes her head. She knows how much I love cookies and how I love to bake them. I squeal in excitement.

I go downstairs with Auntie in front of me telling her to hurry up because I'm so excited. "Zura I am going as fast as I want to do not tell me what to do young lady." Oopies. "Yes ma'am." I say in a low voice but then run all the way to the kitchen. " Okay sweetie pie get the bowls and pans while I get the ingredients. "Okie dokie." I say while I giggle a little.

After we made the cookies I couldn't even eat them because I forgot how much Vince loves my cookies. Normally cookies would make me happy but not today because they just reminded me of Vince. I sign in defeat I just can't get him out of my mind no matter how hard I try I just can't. I just turn to something that will keep my mind off him but then that just makes me think of him more.

I can't go and run to him not now it's only been a week I need more time. More time than just a week I need to be brave. It could take weeks months maybe a year. I don't think I'll take that long to think. But you never know. Time will tell and sadly it's going to take long days of thinking. I don't think my brain can handle all this thinking so I will be needing breaks I could read. Yes! And see Harry oh how I have missed him, and I could talk to him, and I know that will make me feel better. I think I'll I just do that for now. I smile and go up to my room to hopefully sleep my thoughts away. 


Okay, do I have everything... Hmmm. I look around my room to see if I still need something. I don't think I need anything else. Okie! YAY! I'm so excited to see Harry! I walk down the stairs and make sure to pack some cookies in a container so that way Harry can have some. And hopefully he won't be mad that I haven't been to the cafe. Oopies.

"Zura sweetie?" I turn around to face my auntie. "Yes auntie?" I ask tilting my head a little. "Where are you going sweetheart it's early in the morning." I look at the time to see that it wasn't that early, it was only seven o'clock. "It's not that early. But since you asked, I'm going to the cafe do you want something. I'll most likely be there awhile when I leave, I can get you something." She shakes her head. "Oh no sweetheart, I was just wondering where you were going. Thank you for offering though." She says with a smile. "Your welcome auntie! Bye bye." I hug her goodbye and head off to the most beautiful cafe in the world. 

I put my earphones in my ears so I could listen to some classical music. Don't judge me. Okie. It helps me be calm and collected. Plus, I cannot think about a certain someone right now so this will help me focus only on what's flowing through my ears. I smile happily. 

Once I get to the cafe, I take a deep breath getting ready to get yelled at. I walk in and it is empty right now which is good because I get to be by myself and of course have Harry there with me. 

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