|Charpter 13|

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Confused and worry is all I feel. I hear beeping sounds and there is something on my pointer finger so it's making it heavy for me to pick it up and I don't like that. Who ever put that on me will have a word from me.

I can't open my eyes and I don't know why. I want to awake up to see Vince to make me feel better.

I hear a door open then close then I hear footsteps going towards me. Who this weird person.

Then I knew who it was right when that special cologne hits my nose. I heard him get a chair nearby and sit in it. He grab my hand and just said nothing. Why isn't he saying anything hello sir aren't you sad I'm laying here? If it was him in this bed I would be crying my eyes out. Wait Azura don't think about that now I will cry.

Don't cry. I want to open my eyes so I can see him but there to heavy did someone glue them shut. That's not very nice whoever did that is rude now I can't see Vince how rude. I hear a bag being open and then I smell food yummy. Wait a minute is he eating food while I'm here in this bed trying to open my eyes and he is just eating and doing nothing. I might have to rethink liking him.

When I can get my eyes open we are going to have a nice long talk about this because this is unacceptable. It's just cruel how can you do that to someone. Okay now I'm just ranting.

All the sudden I'm finally able to open my eyes. I look over at Vince eating fries without me he looks at me and I look at his fries. He rolls his eyes and feeds me one. Hehe I won without even talking that's got to be a record. "Hi." My voice is more raspy then I thought. He grab some water that was on the table next to me and slowly gave me some water.

"Thank you kind sir." I smiled "How are you feeling?" He ask a little worried. "I'm fine they really didn't do anything to me." He signed in relief. " Oh right sir we need to do some talking here." I point my finger at him with my other hand because the other one was unavailable at the moment cruel people. He raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"You can't not come in here and eat while I'm laying here sniffing your food without being able to open my eyes and eating it. That is very mean." He rolled his eyes. "Sorry I guess." Right when I was about to say something the doctor came in.

"Ah your awake Ms. Hart. How are you feeling good bad." " I feel fine thank you for asking miss." She smiled. " Of course it's my job. You are free to go in a couple or minutes you just need to fill out some paper work and you can go."

"Okay thank you Doc." "Your welcome just rest for a week just to make sure okay." I nod and she left.

Okay Vince left me and I'm sad I mean he had to do work stuff and he hasn't told me anything about his work. Which I think is weird but it is not my place to say or push him to say anything it's not like we are dating.

So I had a bright idea since Vince is gone somewhere I decided it was a great idea to go to the library even know I just got back from being kidnap and from the hospital. But hey what can go wrong am I right.

I ran down my stairs my auntie wasn't here so I just wrote a cute little pink strawberry shape note with a little smiley face at the end. I also made sure there was lots of hearts just so she knows I love her!

I grabbed my elephant shaped face purse that was also fluffy. Vince got it for me when I came back from the hospital. I cried because he cared and it was just so fluffy.

Oh! And I name it Ice cream sundae but sundae for short Vince thought it was stupid but I think it was cute! Anyways I grab sundae and kiss Lucky goodbye. He was sitting on the couch just were I put him when I was cuddling him.

I got everything I needed and went outside. It was a nice sunny day a good day to have a walk no clouds in sight I was sad because I love the rain but that okay. As I was walking I walked near a park and I saw kids running around having so much fun with there friends and parents.

It kinda reminded of me when I was little. I walked in the little gate to get in the little park. I sat down and just watch the little kids have fun.

Then this little girl came up to me. "Hyi! You look really prwetty with your eyes!" I smile. "Thank you kind girl!" She giggle. "My names is Lucy!" She said with a big smile. "Hi Lucy I'm Azura." Her eyes lit up when I said my name and my heart exploded with happiness of course.

"Wow your name is really prwetty!" I laughed " thank you so is yours." I had a wonderful idea so I grabbed my purse and reach down to grab a lollipop. "Here have this." She grabbed it and jumped around. "Thank you thank you!" My heart couldn't hold such cuteness. "Oh I have to go my mwommy wants me bye bye Azura."

"Bye!" I wave and smile at the little girl running to her mama. I wish my mama was still here. I looked down at the ground feeling a little sad now. Welp only one way to help me not feel sad well two things but the first one is at work so now my only option is to go to the library.

So I stand up and walk out of the beautiful park and head to the wonderful place on earth.

The library! :)


Yas! I finally posted and I hope it's good because I had writers block for like years. . . Okay maybe not years but forever!

I really hope you like this chapter!

Question: How do you like Azura??

Hope you have a wonderful day or night love you all!!!!!! ❤️

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