|Chapter 20|

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Azura (:

"Oh, can we have Chinese food! That sounds so good right now!" I say walking in front of Vince. Then I turn around walking backwards while Vince keeps a look out, so I don't fall. How sweet of him. I gasp. " OH my gosh you know what sounds really good right now sushi." I stop in my tracks and so does Vince. I put both my hands on his shoulders and shake him. "Do you know how good sushi is. Wow." I stop shaking him because he started to glare at me, and I didn't want him to kill. Hehe.

"OH man I don't know what to eat there's so many options too much to choose. Just thinking about it hurts my brain. I'm surprise I'm pasting school. I love school it's just a little too much. Haha. I should get some books. I haven't gotten a book in while. It's been years okay maybe not years but still-. Ooo sushi." I walk in the sushi little restaurant and it's amazing it has wood beams. With vines coming do it. The restaurant has a nice calming vibe it. The interior is like blueish blackish kind of color.

"Wow this place is beautiful." We take a seat at a booth. I like booths more than tables because there more comfortable. " Anyways how's life anything new. Anything special. Ooo anything dangerous." When I said the last bit of my speech Vince's eyes went wide. "What's wrong did I say something wrong. If I did, I'm sorry."

"Oh no my love you said nothing wrong you could never do anything wrong. Nothing special is going on just work like always." I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Well, that's boring. You know your life is really boring you should do something exciting." I say putting my hands in the air to make my words my dramatic. "Is that so?" Vince's said rising his eyebrows in amusement. " Yes yes! Like a trip." Then the best idea came into my beautiful brain. I was about to say something when he interrupted me. "Don't you dare say it." I pout. But I still say it anyways. "We should go on a trip!!" I say with a little too much excitement because everyone around us looks at us. oops.

"And you said it." He said looking down at the table. I get up and go to his side. Sitting right next to him. I take his arm and put it around, he looks at me and it just gives me butterflies. "Why don't you want to go. We could go somewhere else. Somewhere amazing! We could bring Viv, Archer and Matteo. It would so fun and and. The best part is we can try and find Matteo a girl, so he won't be lonely all the time." I smile.

Vinces chuckles a little bit. "Oh, don't tell him I said that." Laugh. "Me and Viv could look for a girl for him. And Viv would so be in to help. She can do her FBI stuff just to him a girl and his birthday coming up, so it would be a little birthday gift from me and Viv." I say all in one breath. "Why can't it be from all of us." Vinces asks. "Because me and Viv are doing the hard work and you and Archer would just sit around saying that we would look stupid." I could have sworn he said, "Oh you will look stupid." I look at him. "What did you say?" I squint me eyes at him. "Nothing my love."

I hum in response not believing him one bit. "So can we go on a trip. Pretty please with little elephants on top." Our waiter walked past us while I said that and looked at me weird. I don't think he will be our waiter anymore. Not my fault. Vinces huffs and puts his two fingers on the bridge of his nose. " Fine, okay but don't go too far just to look for a girl for Matteo he's not that special why do you think he's still single." I gasp and hit him on the shoulder. "Don't say that. It mean." I speak. "Really I'm not the one that said he was lonely all the time." I narrow my eyes at him. "Meanie." And I go back to my seat.

"Any who where should we go?" He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know you pick." I huff. " Fine um." I think for a minute. Then I gasp. "Let's go to Hawaii!!" I say really loud. I think I heard someone say, "good for you." I don't know if that was rude or not. Vinces rolls his eyes. "Oh gosh this will be fun." He said sarcastically. "It will be fun promise, and don't worry I won't spend all of my time looking for someone for Matteo." I smile. " We could swim, see sea animals. There's much to do I think my brain in breaking again too much thinking." I say and put my head on the table. "Stop thinking my love I'll have Violet set everything up she will love to do it and if you want you can help." He said lifting up my head he smiles a little and pecks my lips. I smile. "Okie dokie. Thank you, Vince."

"Anytime my love. I'll do anything to make you happy." I giggle a little. (That rhymed LOL). "Okie dokie. Well can we go to the bookstore now I want to find a book for the trip and just to find a book for me to read. Hey maybe you can find something you like too." He nods and gets up he also pays before I could do anything rude. He helps me up and we head out to the bookstore. YAY!!

I can't wait for this trip. Hopefully everyone will have fun most importantly I hope Vinces has fun he deserves it.

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