|Chapter 21|

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Azura ◡̈:

"Sooo Viv how's the planning going for Hawaii?" I say while I sit on my bed. "Going good! Do you know what part of Hawaii you want to go to?" There are other parts in Hawaii I did not know this I just thought it I was just Hawaii. Weird. "Zura did you even hear me". Violet said to me while shaking me. "I did. Can you stop shaking me please?" 

"Oh sorry." She takes her hands off me and sits right in front of me. " I didn't know there was multiple parts of Hawaii, so I don't know. Do you know a good place?" Violet signs. "How did you not know that you dumbass."  I gasp. "Sorry! Sorry! I meant dummy!" I huff. " You are a meanie how could you say such harsh words and those words to me. You are a big fat donut." That was when Violet gasp she knows what donut means.

" Azura! How could you say such harsh words." She said mocking me. " I'm going to tell Vincenzo!" My eyes went wide for a second but then I quickly recovered. "Okay go head and tell him! He will be on my side!" I yelled and walked all the way downstairs. To say that I wasn't scared of her telling Vinces was an understatement. I was petrified! I should hide. That is a great idea.

I'll hide in my aunts closet even though she is not here she won't mind. It's for safety reason. "Ooo Zura you're in big trouble!" Violet yelled. Oh, frosted flakes I need to hide now. I quickly go into my aunts closet I also see that she has a big pile of clothes in the corner of the closet, so I quickly burry myself in the clothes. I'm not sure if these are dirty or not but again this is for safety reason. "Zura he's here! Come out of your hiding place!" I hear her go all the way downstairs then opens the front door. I also hear a car. So that is not good. I hear the car door close then heavy footsteps enter the home. Oh, lord save me please! "Zura! Come on out." 

"Violet shut the fuck up you are scaring her." I hear a voice I know too well. "That's the point. She called me a donut." Then I hear Vinces's voice again, but he seems not too happy. "That's why you fucking called me."

"Okay love maybe you should calm down for Azura." I hear Archer say. Ignoring Vinces words. Wait Archer here Oh boy. OH boy now I'm in my Micky Mouse era. "Yea Viv you should shut the hell up." I hear Matteo. OH boy now everyone is here. Lord, I thought you were going to help me. Now I'm going to be mash potatoes. Oh, frosted flakes I don't want to turn into mash potatoes! "Oh shut up Matteo." Violets says.

All of the sudden I hear the closet door open, but I still hear bickering in the background. Oh my time is up everyone. I love every signal thing about you all. Man, just give me a white cloth. "Darling, I know your under all those clothes." Oh boy he found me. Just play it cool and maybe he will go away. Yeah! " I'm sorry but I don't know who you are talking about." I hear a chuckle. Oh, rats I missed that. I always like when he laughs or smiles and I missed it. Darn it I'll try to get him to laugh later so I can see it. " Are you sure about that love." Oh boy. "Sir I don't think you should be calling strangers love." 

"I don't think you're a stranger love." I huffed. "Fine." I get out of the pile of clothes and Vinces puts his arms around me and lifts me out of the pile of clothes. "Meanie." I say. Then he puts me down and chuckles but this time I got to see it. YAY! Any who. " Violet called me a dumb butt well she didn't that she said the A word so that's why I called her a donut." I huffed. "Wait Violet called you a dumbass. Why?" I could see he was getting angry, and I knew if I told him he would yell at Violet but then again if I don't say anything he would try and get the truth out of me which would work so in the end Violet would get yelled at anyways. "Because I didn't know there was more parts of Hawaii, so she called me a dumb a word." 

"Violet fucking King get your fucking ass over here." Once he said that the bickering stops, and the house was dead silent. "Ooo your in trouble-" Matteo said but then got interrupted by a very grumpy man. "Shut the fuck up Matteo." 

"Sorry bos- I- I mean man." Weirdo. " Violet shamefully came into my aunt's room with her head down and everything while Archer was behind her. " You called Azura a dumbass." He said awfully calm. Creepy. I stepped behind him and hugged his back because I didn't want to see what was going to happen. I feel Vinces hands go on top of mine probably to keep him calm. "Okay I didn't mean to it just came out, but she called me a bitch okay not a bitch but a donut." I hear Vinces swear under his breath then talks again. " I don't give a flying fuck if it was a mistake, you do not ever, and I mean ever talk to her like that again you watch your fucking mouth okay. Also, you know damn well to not call me out of a fucking meeting unless it's a fucking emergency. I thought Azura was hurt or in trouble I thought she needed me that's why I came here so damn fast." I peak behind Vinces back to see Violet looking down at the ground but then Vinces gently pushes my head behind him again, so I don't see anything. 

"God damn it fucking speak Violet!" He yells which scares me and he know it, but I think he is to angry right now to see if I'm okay. "I'm sorry Vincenzo, I thought you wouldn't get this mad. I was just joking." He chuckles but not how he normally does around me this one scarier. "Joking you were fucking joking. Nothing is a god damn joking when it comes to My Azura. Violet. Go to my office later I don't want to discuss this in front of Azura I'm already scaring her, and I don't want that." 

"Okay." Is all I hear Violet say before I hear footsteps leaving the room. "Bos-" I hear Archer going to say something but then Vinces interrupts. "Don't even fucking think about it. If you want to protect your little girlfriend, then I'll see you two in my damn office. And tell her to fuck off. Now andare."  Then I hear Archer leave. Which just leaves me and Vince in the room. "Vinces are you okay." I pull my arms away from him and walk in front of him so now we are face to face. "Darling". I say while but both my hands on his face while he wraps his arms around my waste. "Not now Azura. I have to go stay here make sure everything is locked I don't want anything to happen again." I knew he was going to his office to yell at Violet and Archer. I know Archer will be there because I know how much he loves her, and he wouldn't let her be in that room alone with Vince angry. 

I sign. "Don't hurt her and I'll be here so come here when you can okie then we can have a movie night." He nods and kisses my forehead. He lets go of my waste and I take my hands off his face. Before he leaves, he turns around. "I won't hurt her but that only reason why I won't hurt her is because of you."  I smile. "You're a silly little goose but thank you." With that he turns around and walks away.

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