"Blake, have you seen my hairbrush anywhere?" Delilah came out of the bathroom drying her wet hair with a towel.

"No sorry" I replied, my eyes still focused on my textbook.

Delilah groaned and started frantically searching for her hairbrush on her side of the room. I heard some ruffling, and then the sound of a lighter flickering. Abruptly, the smell of burnt paper entered my nostrils, causing me to look up from my book.

"Delilah what the hell are you doing?!"

Delilah was standing there with a Polaroid photo in her hand giving the picture a piercing look, as she held the lighter to the corner of it. The picture slowly began to burn up and I watched as the ashes fell to the ground.

"Delilah you're going to cause a fire hazard! What if the alarm goes off?" I closed my book and walked towards her. She stood there silent, still mugging the picture.

I looked over her to see what she was burning and although there was only a corner left of the picture, I could see a cut-off portion of Delilah and Johnathan's head.

"Really Delilah?" I grabbed the photo from her and started waving it in the air to put the smoke out.

"He deserves it" She said folding her arms and plopping down on her bed.

Since the party she hasn't really said much about Johnathan, she barely even remembered what she did and woke up the next morning clueless, that was until she texted Johnathan and found out she was blocked. Persephone and I proceeded to explain to her what she had done. She was mortified at first but then I could tell she was angry and since then, we haven't heard a peep about him.

"Delilah you need to think rational here-"

"I am thinking rationally! Don't talk to me like I'm crazy" She seethed.

"Delilah, I'm not saying that but you and Johnathan have lots of miscommunication going on, I mean did he even know you had feelings for him?"

She sat there in her thoughts, thinking long and hard.

"Well...I guess not...but still."

She was being stubborn and wouldn't admit that Johnathan had no way of knowing she was fancying him. I mean, sure from anybody on the outside, when they talked, it looked like they were flirting, but they only referred to each other as 'friends'.

"I get your side though Delilah, you guys were obviously flirting here and there but It wasn't anything serious and you know that. How was he supposed to know that all other girls but you were off limits? Did you discuss that?"

She gave me a look and rolled her eyes.

"I hate it when you're right" she confessed.

"It's just that I've known him since we were literal kids. Of course, he's had girlfriends throughout our friendship but It just never really hit me until a year or so ago that I had fell in love with him... I had so stupidly and blindly fallen in love with Johnathan freaking Deacon. When I saw him kissing that bimbo, I guess I lost it. I feel so stupid." Delilah replied in a defeated tone.

"Maybe you should tell him how you feel...it might help bring a little light to this situation and get him to understand your point of view. I get where you're coming from, so maybe he will too" I stated, rubbing her back.

"He freaking blocked me!" She fumed, getting angry all over again.

"In person...You should tell him this... in person"

She sighed and then nodded before resting her head on my shoulder.

Damn, for my life to be so fucked up, I should really look into being a life coach.

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