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The final act


I've always found the concept of happy endings to be stupid, it's not logical. In real life the prince would never save the princess, he would die fighting the dragon.
Now I wish that I hadn't found them stupid, because by Titan this isn't what I wanted.

There's no way back to the boiling isles, no way to get back home.
Actually is that really true? Did i ever really have a home?

I suppose I did, there were places I had good memories, those few days at Hexide with Hunter, and then Willow and Gus, where I finally found a place that I belonged.

Now there's human rain, and sobbing. Now there's goodbyes and bruises.

I'm a shell of what I was before, I can barely remember the scenes that panned out just minutes ago.

The rain splashes onto my face, it's icy cold, the total opposite of what it's supposed to be, but out of all the changes, this one might be the only good one.

It's dark. A streetlight flickers, and the eeiree silence, disturbed only by Gus's wails and the occasional drop of rain create a threatening atmosphere.

Beside me lies the one person that can make this situation any better.
Hunter lies with his head in the daily grass, his arms sprawled out. He's half sat up, with his knees in the air.

I drop into the grass, feeling the watery leaves graze my skin, I turn my face to his, until we're inches apart.

He smiles a small bittersweet smile.

"Are you going to miss it?" He asks, a whisper lost to the night.
"Probably," my response.
"Me too, but I can't say I'm not greatful for the escape."
The escape.

He's right, we both needed to get out of there, the boiling isles has never been friendly. But it still hurts. It will always hurt: because now there's a hole in my heart where home should be.

"We'll get through this," Hunter doesn't ask this time, he says it as a statement; those have always been our words, the words we will forever say.
"We always do," I reply, a hint of a smile on my face.

I shift my gaze back to the sky, and hear the sound of the grass rustling confirming hunter is looking up too.

The stars begin to appear, the more I look the more I can see. Bright lights shining against a dark velvet backdrop, even if i have to squint to keep the rain from hitting my eyes. I'm glad we can see the same stars, that somehow through all of this we both got here, in this same moment.

I don't tell Hunter my magic still hasn't returned, not yet.

For now we have bigger things to worry about.


And with about an hour before the last episode of the owl house releases, that's it. Titan, that's the end of this whole book. I really hope you enjoyed reading it, I am considering writing a sequel and if i do ill keep you updated but that won't be for a while. I think i need a break from writing lol.
But genuinely thank you all so much for the kind comments and for the votes and especially for how many of you actually stuck with this story until it finished! It means the world to me, and honestly has definitely kept me motivated to keep writing!

Welp if any of you see this before watching and dreaming, I wish you luck soldier.


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