Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17
Eclipse lake


"I can't believe you have to go on a mission with kikimora," Hunter laughs, although he doesn't sound like he's happy, not really. I can tell he's hiding his real emotions from me, because he doesn't want to be jealous of the fact Belos sent me on this mission instead of him.

"Yeah, it's going to be horrible," I say, wrinkling my nose, I'm trying to make him feel better about all this, but i know he wont, not for a while.

"Hmm, what color flowers do you want on your grave when kikimora inevitably pushes you down the cavern there?" Hunter asks, smiling his adorable tooth-gap smile. I can feel my face heat up- I have to turn away for a moment.

I pretend to take a moment to think, "hm... f/c please!"

He laughs, clearly distracted about something, "Alright, mx l/n, Ill go to your funeral and bring f/c flowers as long as you give me your books."

"Hunter this is only a hypothetical situation right? you're not planning on teaming up with kikimora and murdering me to get my books?"

Hunter pauses in mock consideration, "hmm... I can't answer that one, but i promise your books and your cool starry cloak will be well looked after."

"Hey i never promised you my cloak!"

He sticks his tounge out, causing me to giggle stupidly. I put a hand over my face in embarrassment, feeling incredibly greatful that I've made it to the airship and won't have to look Hunter in the eyes again.

"Bye Golden guard," I say, litterally running onto the ship before he can say anything. There's an advanced security for this mission and a few guards have to check my coven sigil before I get onto the main deck. Vix is currently curled up in my pocket, muttering everytime I walk too quickly and wake her up.

I ignore kikimora and the other scouts, making my way to the side of the ship and wave at Hunter. He adorns his golden guard mask, and raises a gloved hand, returning the wave.

Kikimora drags me to the center of the ship, not entirely sure how since shes less than a third my height but she does anyways.

"Now everyone's here," she glares at me, "here's the plan. You follow all my instructions and I won't report you to emperor belos for insubordination. Remember we are on the look out for titan's blood, so we don't stop for anything, not even "fluffy animals" Steve."

I raise my hand like you would in a school.

"Yes raven Watcher?" Kikimora takes the bait.

Maybe because I'm in a bad mood, or because I really hate kikimora, I tell her "Actually as the real leader of this mission, if you think anything is wrong please come to me first. And Steve you can pet any fluffy animals you see, in fact i implore you too."

Steve smiles behind his mask, and oh does kikimora look enraged. She sits on a barrel by the captains quarters the whole of the journey, with her arms crossed, whilst i talk to the rest of the scouts. I'm definitely not usually this social, in fact I hate interacting with people because it usually makes me very nervous, but I still do to spite kikimora and because Steve has a photo of his new dog on his scroll.

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