Chapter twelve

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Tw: implications of abuse/physical abuse

Chapter twelve


I'm not entirely sure what's happened. Today was a mess. Y/n found something? in a cupboard, and I think I showed them my face... I shouldn't have done that Uncle Emperoe Belos won't be happy... Then they took me to bonesborough and that was fun. But my mind keeps fogging over and i can't remember much else. Other than having tea with Terra Snapdragon which was unusual.

My head really hurts, I think i just need to sleep.

Five hours earlier

Y/n scoops up the palisman, their face cracks into a smile as it turns into a staff again. This magic is fascinating, I've never seen a palisman turn into a staff up close. It's a fox, I believe, with brown tips on her ears. I'm not sure what to make of her. Belos has spent an eternity telling me palismen are dark magic.

The fox doesn't look like dark magic though... Maybe I can let it slide for once, y/n has been through enough already and I just want them to be happy. Besides, if the worst comes to the worst I'll can always take the palisman away without telling them- actually that would be horrible on my part I don't want to be a bad friend.

Is the palisman theirs? I don't understand. They seem to be talking to the palisman. I pull my cloak up to my chin, it's getting cold, and dark. I'm filled with a sense of dread and guilt, I want to leave. I don't want to be here anymore. Not with this palisman and- and-

"Come on y/n," I put a hand on their shoulder and they snap up, "lets go back."
They shake my hand off, "yeah okay! I can't wait to show Vix the castle."
"Vix?" I ask, cautiously.
"The palisman," they answer happily, "she told me her name."

We ride back on my staff because y/n will need to practice flying with... Vix. The names actually kind of... adorable.

We land in my room so as to avoid the scouts checking our sigils. I cautiously take off my concealment stone and my face is revealed again. The novelty has worn off slightly but I still feel an immense amount of fear. Im just glad y/n doesn't judge me- i- I'm thankful for that. I know a lot of people would see the scars on my face and call me what I am: a failure. But I trusted that y/n would see past that and I think they did.
They're so perfect.

Y/N decides to stay for a bit so we pick out one of the books I borrowed from the library. It's about mindscapes.

We sit on my bed and slowly flip through the pages, we don't talk much but y/n offers their input every so often.

As time moves on, y/n begins to drift off, jolting themself awake everytime their eyes close. Vix curls up on their knees and is immediately out of it. I guess after a lifetime in the coven I don't get tired, or maybe I'm so sleep-deprived exhaustion is normal for me.

They rest their head on my shoulder and my heart flutters like butterfly wings. I swallow uncomfortably at the feeling. The only time I've ever felt like this was when i was with them. It's... weird.

I experimentally put my arm around them and they slowly slip their eyes close.

I'm not entirely sure how long I sit there for but i don't dare move incase I wake them up and ruin this moment. I wish I could freeze time- then I'd be able to be here forever. My heart is beating too quickly and i can feel my face heat up.

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