Chapter twenty two

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Tw: Belos being his manipulative abusing self.

Chapter 22
The end of the world

I was staring into his eyes. My Aunt once said that eyes are the window to the soul. His soul was perhaps the brightest soul I've ever seen. He held my arm, to stop me from escaping, or leaving without him.

The younger human wasn't with him. It was just us. And without his brother I could see the true him, the man who cried at every witch he lost, the man who freed the people he caught, the man who sacrificed everything for his brother.
"Evelyn wait," he said, his voice my escape. 

Then Caleb asked if he could run away with me.


I emerge from the ground gasping for air as the red spell finally releases me. I cough out my lungs until i can finally breathe. I stagger to my feet, my eyes streaming with hot tears.
Belos stands before me.
My heart stops beating.

He's wearing his golden mask, but those haunting eyes gleam through. When I look at him all I can see is death. Many people call him an angel, I'd call him an angel of death.

"Y/n, my first Raven watcher," he speaks in a velvety voice, like a siren lulling in her prey, he's trying to seem pleasant, likeable, the savior the isles needs, "I won't be making that mistake again."

I feel my starlight cloak tear off of me and im left standing before him without even my raven watcher uniform, but the comfortable clothes I adorned after the flyer derby match. Everything suddenly feels so cold without it. I struggle to swallow, or find oxygen to fill my lungs.

He takes off his stag mask, revealing to me his face. I remember it only from the parade a few weeks ago, but he looks taller, older, sharper. The curse seems to have spread as green creeps out and seeps into his skin like the branches of a tree. His eyes are small and edged, he glares out of them harrowingly. I take a step back, my legs shaking.

"I thought you had learnt better by now," he gestures disappointed, to my face, my eye, "clearly there's no reforming the unredeemable," he says, his voice is still soft, if you weren't listening to the words it would sound like he was being kind.

I don't say anything, i take another step back, feeling Vix's nerves wash over me as well.

"You know why you're here don't you?" Belos says, he takes a step closer, forcing me away from the direction of the door, my only escape. "It started when you lost my oracle eye, but I gave you a second chance, i was nice, wasn't I?" He asks, staring into my eyes. I remember someone once telling me the eyes are the window of the soul, i dont think Belos can have a soul, his eyes are so sharp there can't be anything behind them, "but even after I forgave you, you betrayed me again with that fox."

My hand reaches for my pant leg pocket where Vix resides, how did he know about her?

"Yeah well- well- you killed Charm," I say accusatory.
"Charm," he pauses, "ah yes, the cat palisman. You knew that I'd take the palisman of any new scouts that was of your own doing. But trust me it bought me no pleasure in harming him."

He's right... Oh titan he's right,
I. killed. Charm.

"I have eyes everywhere Y/n, you know this. I was willing to look beyond the palisman, even after you failed the simple mission of transporting more to me. You know I need them, don't you? It hurt me when you didn't bring me them, can you not trust me?" He asks, "even after I gave you a room here, after your parents forgot about you?"

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