Chapter fifteen

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Chapter fifteen
The bard returns


Perhaps it was a mistake. I stare up at my ceiling, watching as a spider makes a slow decent down from a cobweb before it dissapears out of my eyeline. It probably was a mistake, considering things, joining the emperor's coven I mean. Recently things haven't been going well, and if it weren't for the Emperor's threat... and Hunter, i think I'd just leave. The emperor would probably kill me though so here we are.

Hunter told me about the 'subject' this morning. He's been running so called tests -or observations- on the little red cardinal palisman that wont stop following him, but he's acting like a ten year old who's just made a new friend he's completely ecstatic.

I'm glad he's got the cardinal, like I have Vix. He'll be less alone now, and hopefully finally understand why hunting palismen is wrong... Why Belos is wrong. I just wish I could get him to see the truth.

Earlier this week, Raine Whispers was shown on the crystal orb. They've replaced the old coven head as leader of the bard coven. I'm happy for them, Raine deserves this, even if they do have a little stage fright. I haven't spoken to them since the... incident as we call it now.. But i have seen them.

It was earlier this week, Raine Whispers was hauled into the castle by Head witch Darius. Hunter and i were wearing our masks, hiding behind a few crates containing who knows what -probably food for the canteen.

Darius glared at all the scouts around him, his uniform was slightly mud-soaked and he wasn't happy about it. Hunter scootched a little closer to me, trying to get a better view.

Eberwolf trailed behind darius, their eyes alert and narrowed, slightly... sad.

Darius looked sad too actually, behind his mask of rage. You could see it in the way he walked, staring down at the floor. He always turned to anger when he was upset.

And Raine looked as if they had given up. Despair, utter despair. They were covered in the purple abomination substance.

Darius spoke to one of the scouts and the room cleared for a few moments. The scout left and returned a few moments later, Terra Snapdragon following. She smiled down at Raine, her golden teeth in a smile, far too joyous to be genuine.

Hunter tensed, and grabbed my arm, but I couldn't tell why. I let him, he seemed upset.

Raine shouted something but Terra shushed them, "come now Sprout. Everything will be alright now. It was The Owl Lady's fault, not yours."

Raine had shaken their head crying something out, but Terra laughed to herself and snapped her fingers, transferring the abomination trapping them to plant vines forcing them to follow her.

We stayed there a while, until the scouts had left. Then we had talked, for a long, long time.

When I heard Raine was head bard I started practicing the flute again. It took a while for me to get used to it but I managed... Then all this stuff happened and I haven't been able to pick it up.

"Y/N?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts, by Hunter's rapid knocks on my door. I stand up, exhausted even though it's mid afternoon. Belos has been giving me more missions after my recent failure to abduct the palismen.

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