chapter six

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tw: past abuse mentioned, mental breakdown, burn marks

Chapter 6
Like rain we'll fall


Alone, in my room. It's completely silent. Alone. It's very late at night, or very early in the morning. Uncle Belos always has tasks for me when I'm least expecting them. So many late night missions have lead me to develop something called insomnia. I don't know much about it, apparently in the boiling isles it's not very common, it affects humans more than witches so we don't have any healing spells. It doesn't matter though, it means I can continue late night missions or keep studying. I need to give back to the emperor in anyway I can, even if that is detrimental to my health.

Speaking of which, i wish y/n had gone to the healing coven. I've been thinking about it ever since we got back this afternoon. They refuse to listen. I don't understand, honestly, imagine being in pain and not-
oh- I can't really say anything, when Belos got mad at me and lashed out, accidently tearing through my ear, I didn't go to the healing coven because I didn't want them to be upset with Uncle Belos. Maybe they could have sewn up my ear before it scarred over. Now I'm missing a chunk of it.
That's fine though.
I made a mistake; I was the one in the wrong so I deserve to pay for it. Even if it was just an accident.

I lie in bed, it's barely comfortable and I have to bury myself in the blankets to try and regain any feeling of warmth. My windows are open, cool air diffuses into the room but there's no sound.

Just silence.
...And my thoughts...

I can't take this, I sit up, leaning against my pillow, y/n was hurt. Y/N was hurt and they didn't go to the healing coven and if they die because of some injury it's my fault. What am i supposed to do about this?

I give up on any pretense of sleep and get up. The Sprig plush falls off and I pick it up from the ground. For two years, I hadn't even thought of speaking to them but suddenly they were giving me gifts, they were saving my life, they told me their name...
Is this what having a friend feels like?

A warm feeling, happiness?, and the thought that I need to look after them. I won't let Y/N get harmed in any way. I don't know what's brought this on but as soon as I've thought it I know it's true. I've got to keep them safe...

This is stupid, they're a member of the coven i can't infantilize them, they can look after themselves. What is happening to me? I've gotten lost in my thoughts again.

Thats it. I drag my staff from the wall and make my way to the door.


It's early, around 4am. Something woke me up and I'm not entirely sure what. I look around my room, it's a small box shape with little personalization. There's my bed in the corner, I've shoved my clothes under it because I don't really have a wardrobe, a mirror by the door, a desk with a stack of textbooks on it, there's a shelf above it where I've put my old photos, trinkets, plushies, whatever i can find. The photos are of my family, my mom was always supportive of my joining the emperor's coven. It was just me and her. I don't know what happened to her after i joined the coven. I still miss her, a lot, but she shouldn't have moved house without telling me. She shouldn't have left me.

Sometimes, when I'm stressed, I play my flute. It's what I use for bard magic, im pretty good at bard magic but i haven't practiced for a while now. There's so much to do as the Raven Watcher that I honestly don't have time.

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