Chapter thirty

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Chapter 30
A date.


I've combed my hair back, and with Gus's help it actually looks pretty good, and Willow picked out an actually nice outfit from the drama studio, a dark plaid jacket and a really cool maroon shirt, but I still feel incredibly nervous. Flapjack too, because apparently "he wants this date to go well and it's definitely not because he can't see my hair noodle" what even is a noodle?

Have I told Y/n about any of this? No.. no I have not. But Willow said this will make them happy and to be honest that's all I really want.

There aren't many options for a date, being stuck at hexide, but the oracle homeroom has a massive domed skyroof that doubles as an observatory. So that's where we're going.

Gus is going to get them when the school closes for the night -this is where we've been hiding after Graye's attack. I uh- told everyone about the day of unity and they seemed worried enough to come up with a plan, so about twenty of us stay here at the moment trying to think of one.

Which brings me to the fact that to be honest im worried about the human, she helped me out a lot recently and now she's vanished and I'm not entirely sure what's happened to her. Hopefully she gets back before the day of unity: i have a lot to apologize about.

I make my way to the observatory, swallowing nervously, Willow walks with me. She's set most of this up, apparently my idea of 'reading a cool book with them' was in her words 'lame'. So now we're going with plan B.

She's brought out a tray of food, I'm not entirely sure what it is but there's non alcoholic apple blood so im all for it, and throws a blanket it at me.

"What is this for?"
She laughs at my questioning look, "it's meant to be one of those "romantic" things, you know you both feel cold so you share a blanket- you got the thing by the way?"
I nod.

Willow skips to the door, waving with the tips of her fingers before she exits the room. Now I'm all alone, with my thoughts and my doubts and-

I don't think I can bring myself to be sad right now. Sure everything's gone terribly wrong, I lost my uncle,  ̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶g̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶e̶n̶d̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶e̶
but now I have the best thing possible. I finally have y/n, they- they liked me back. I never even thought anyone was capable of falling in love with me... but they did.

This is probably really cringey but they're like the light at the end of the tunnel, the sunrise at the end of the horizon, that beautiful view from the top of the mountain. They're everything to me and I want them to see that.

I realize it's starting to get dark, and that's when I get an idea.

The homeroom is circular, the domed skylight takes up the whole ceiling. Other than a few beanbags, the floor is bare since all the furniture has been moved to the edges of the room.

I remember something the human taught me, a glyph. I draw a few of them out and place them over the floor. The fun part comes when i jump from one peice of paper to the next, trying not to hit the floor. When I'm done the room is full of tiny, floating lights.

I pick up the thing.

Now all that's left to do is wait...

The door opens Gus walks through, winks with finger guns, shoves y/n through the door then departs.

I'm suddenly aware of how stupid i look, standing here with my hands behind my back and my hair combed all stupidly and this stupid outfit, and the stupid eyeliner Gus forced me to wear.

But they look amazing, just wearing their normal clothes and a confused expression on their face, they always do.

"Woah Hunter," they breathe out, their eyes flicking around the room before finally landing on me, "this looks incredible- y-you look incredible!"

Well i guess now is the perfect time to give them the thing... I take a few breaths, trying to still my nerves, my hands are shakingggg.
"Ages ago-," my voice sounds shakey and quiet, I swallow and try again, "Ages ago, when we were on a mission, i asked you what your favourite type of flowers were, didn't I?"

They nod.

I stick out my hands in front of them, a bouquet of f/c flowers. Their mouth falls open slightly in shock, a wide grin on their face, "my titan Hunter, you remembered!" Of course i remembered, there's not a word they say that i don't remember-

"Y/n," Okay here it is, "willyougoonadatewithme?"
"Will you go on a date with me?"
Somehow their perfect smile widens, "of course I would, Hunter!"


reathing in the dusty scent of the oracle classroom, my gaze soften as I stare at Hunter, in the faint light from the glyphs -he must have spent so much time learning them, i didn't even realize- he looks incredible. Not that he doesn't usually of course, but here I can see every shadow, every spark, the shine in his eyes, his hair combed back and slightly out of place, his nervous red face. I can see the way his fingers anxiously tap the side of his leg, I can see the way he's trying not to grin as wide as possibly, i can see the way hes trying to stay composed when all he wants to do is shout and laugh- This is all Hunter.. my Hunter.

I hold the f/c flowers (you can imagine what type they are lol), admiring them. I don't usually like flowers, but these ones are somehow the most beautiful ones I've ever seen. I hope they never die, I hope i can get Willow to figure out a way to keep them alive forever.

Hunter grabs my hand, leading my to the center of the room, he hangs his arms over my shoulders, staring up through the glass of the observatory. I take a moment to let the stars in.

I remember a kid just starting at Hexide, one who knew nothing about the emperor's coven, wasn't worried about making friends or doing well in school. One who was forever lost in the stars, waiting up each night so they could sneak onto the roof and count stars until they were too tired to fall asleep.
I can still name all the constellations.

"This is beautiful," I whisper.
"hm?" Hunter hums, I realize he isn't watching the stars, but he's watching me, with an absent smile and bright eyes.
"I said, you're eyes are beautiful," I laugh at my stupid attempt at flirting. Wow, i really need to learn some stuff.
"I could say the same thing about you," Hunter kisses my cheek, my fingers trace the moment. When did this nervous lost boy become so confident?

We sit down on some large beanbags, and Hunter wraps a blanket around us. He leans his head on my shoulder and stares into the sky. I can feel his heart beating, racing, and know that mine is probably doing the same.

We eat the food he brought, and spend the rest of the evening talking under the stars.

The golden light of the stars shines onto him, until he looks ethereal, celestial, glowing with golden light.
"I can't believe you managed to do all this," I say, it seems any sound above a whisper will disrupt the peacefulness, "how can a school classroom be the perfect date?"

He turns to me, a wisp of laughter on his lips, and it's such joyful, ringing laughter, like the sound of bells, it's so perfect that I have to kiss him again to get him to stop.

If I could freeze a moment in time, this would be it. I never want to leave.

1445 words
A/N: there ya go you got your fluff before the rest of the angst. If you don't like flowers im really sorry :') I have been planning this moment for ages now. Also I just want to thank everyone for the continous support on this story! it's probably the one thing keeping me out of authors block at the moment! unfortuantely i only have planned 4 more chapters so soon we'll be facing our grand finale ;-;

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