Chapter 10: Genesis of a Monster.

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The midday sun shone brightly over Seoul, casting shadows across the buildings and streets. Detective Lee sat at his desk, files spread out before him, trying to make sense of the vast amounts of information that had come to light in the past weeks.

Dr. Yoon's life was complex. Every piece of evidence, every testimony, was like a fragment of a jigsaw puzzle. Slowly, Lee began piecing together the motivations and psyche of a man who seemed to have everything but descended into monstrous behavior.

In a well-lit room within a high-end hospital, young Yoon sat by the bedside of his sister, Ji-eun. Their bond was inseparable. From childhood, they'd been each other's confidants, sharing secrets and dreams. But Ji-eun's deteriorating health brought a shadow over their bond. Diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of skin cancer, every day for her became a painful struggle.

As Ji-eun's health deteriorated, Yoon's obsession with medical research increased. Night after night, he'd pour over medical journals and books, driven by an undying hope to find a cure for his sister. He watched as treatments failed, and the vibrant girl he grew up with began to fade before his eyes.

Her final days were agonizing. Despite the pain, Ji-eun always wore a brave smile, comforting her brother more than he could comfort her. On a chilly winter morning, she passed away, her hand held tightly by Yoon. The weight of her death was too much for him, pushing him to the brink.

Detective Lee's research led him to believe that this trauma formed the basis of Dr. Yoon's obsession with curing diseases. The death of his beloved sister fueled a rage, a desperate need to ensure that no one else would suffer like she did. But grief can sometimes twist one's path in unpredictable ways.

After Ji-eun's death, Dr. Yoon threw himself into his work. His research began with noble intentions but gradually took a darker turn. The pressures of his stepmother to integrate with society and marry into a prestigious family only added to his stress.

Lee stumbled upon pictures of Yoon with a young, radiant woman—his ex-fiancé. This relationship, though short-lived, played a significant role in the genesis of the monster Yoon would become. It was during this relationship that Yoon made his initial discovery, the catalyst that would change everything.

The realization dawned upon Detective Lee. The pain of losing Ji-eun, combined with the pressures of society and family, had twisted Dr. Yoon's psyche. His noble pursuit of medical knowledge became an obsession with eternal youth and the prevention of disease, no matter the cost.

Lee leaned back, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to process it all. The roots of Dr. Yoon's descent into darkness had been established. But there was still much more to uncover, many more twists and turns to the tale.

The scent of antiseptics filled the room. Dr. Yoon's personal laboratory, housed within his apartment, was a stark contrast to the vibrant, bustling streets of Seoul outside. It was his sanctuary, a space where he could escape from the world and lose himself in his work. Here, surrounded by test tubes, microscopes, and a plethora of medical equipment, Yoon felt in control, away from the prying eyes of society and his demanding family.

One evening, as Yoon meticulously measured and mixed chemicals for his serum, an unexpected knock on the door disturbed his focus. He opened the door to find his ex-fiancé, her eyes brimming with tears and anger. "You've been avoiding me," she accused, pushing past him into the lab.

They argued heatedly, both struggling with the weight of their failing relationship. Amidst the chaos, she cut her finger on a medical knife Yoon had carelessly left out. Her blood, deep crimson, dripped into a petri dish that housed a mixture Yoon had been working on for weeks.

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