Chapter 6 Doppelgänger

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In the limelight of Seoul's elite medical community, Dr. Yoon was an enigma. His remarkable contributions to the field of dermatology made him a figure of reverence, and his charisma gave him an air of approachability that endeared him to his patients. But behind his charming veneer, his ambition thrived, fueled by a dreadful secret. His quest for eternal youth, rooted deeply in his tragic past, was his private obsession. It had driven him to the edge of ethical boundaries and beyond, and now his actions were bordering on the precipice of malfeasance.

Dr. Yoon, however, was cunning. He knew that to continue his dubious experiments without attracting unwanted attention, he would have to weave an intricate web of deception. The idea came to him like a flash of lightning, and he started laying out his plan meticulously. His reputation and standing in the community provided him with an unparalleled advantage, and he intended to use it to its full potential.

"Health and wellness," he murmured to himself as he sat in his plush office, scribbling down ideas on a piece of paper. The concept was innocent enough on the surface, appealing to the general public's obsession with beauty and well-being. He would establish a research study, a pioneering initiative to investigate the effects of certain beauty products, perhaps even develop a revolutionary new product. This would not only serve as a legitimate front for his activities but also attract a bevy of willing participants. After all, who wouldn't want to partake in a groundbreaking study conducted by a renowned dermatologist?

Satisfied with his plan, Dr. Yoon leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. The first strand of his web was spun.

Emboldened by his idea, Dr. Yoon set out to execute his plan. His first order of business was to assemble a team. He needed individuals who were competent but not too curious, who would follow orders without questioning them. Carefully, he selected a handful of professionals from his staff - nurses, lab technicians, and a couple of promising medical students. They were all thrilled to be a part of Dr. Yoon's "revolutionary project," little knowing what they were getting themselves into.

Next came the tedious process of formulating the "new product" – an innocuous concoction of commonly used skincare ingredients. Dr. Yoon had no real interest in developing a beauty product, but the façade had to be convincing. His laboratory was transformed into a bustling workspace where his team worked tirelessly, testing and perfecting the formula.

Meanwhile, Dr. Yoon launched a massive promotional campaign for his upcoming research study. Billboards, television ads, radio spots – no stone was left unturned. The city was soon abuzz with news of the famous Dr. Yoon's revolutionary skincare project. The response was overwhelming, with scores of young women lining up to be a part of the study.

As the days turned into weeks, Dr. Yoon's office turned into a hub of activity. He was a perfect host, welcoming his study participants with open arms, soothing their concerns with his comforting words, and making them feel special and cherished. He seemed genuinely interested in their well-being, always ready to lend an ear to their problems and concerns. And the women loved him for it. They felt privileged to be a part of something so significant, under the guidance of someone as esteemed as Dr. Yoon.

Behind the scenes, however, a different story unfolded. Every participant of the study was screened, their health and vitality evaluated through a series of blood tests. These tests, Dr. Yoon claimed, were necessary to ensure that the participants were healthy and that the new product would not have any adverse effects on them. The women complied without a second thought, oblivious to the fact that their blood samples were being used for something far more sinister.

The operation was a huge success. Not only did Dr. Yoon receive a flood of willing participants, but his façade also stood up to scrutiny. His staff was enthusiastic and dedicated, genuinely believing in the project they were working on. Meanwhile, the detective watched from the sidelines, a sense of unease settling in him.

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