Chapter 20

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Wanda's POV:

I woke up at 7am, I'm gonna be looking after Y/N today while the rest of the Avengers file reports to S.H.I.E.L.D from the mission. Nat has asked me if I will stay at the compound with Y/N so she's not alone again. So I need to make sure she eats, has a shower and communicates even if its just a little bit.

I walk across the corridor to Nat's room and let myself in as Nat said I could just walk in.

"Y/N baby, it's time to wake up." I say as I gently place kisses all over her face. She opens her eyes and smiles softly. "Hi Wands" she says as I run my fingers through her hair. "Hi sweetheart" I say smiling at her. She's so cute.

She sits herself up and just wraps herself around me. "Come on printsessa, it's time to go downstairs." I say, nudging her a little. She groans in slight annoyance that she has to get out of bed, I don't blame her, Nat's bed it really comfortable.

She finally gets herself out of bed, "come onnn, I wanna make breakfast." I say tugging on her arm. We walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Where's Bella?" She asked, a concerned look painted across her face.

"Oh, i'm not sure, maybe she's still asleep." I reply. Y/N leaves the kitchen and goes upstairs, I follow not far behind her. We walk into Bella's room and look in her bed. She's not there. Y/N starts to panic, she paces around the room and her breathing getting heavier.

Y/N's POV:

I feel my heart begin to beat faster and faster with each second that goes by. I run into Mama's bedroom and grab my phone off her bedside table as I had left it there last night. I quickly click on Mama's contact number, it rings four times before she picks up.

"Y/N baby is everyth-" She says as soon as she answers the phone but I soon cut her off. "Mama, Bella is gone!" I say trying my best not to cry. "Oh honey, Bella is okay, Pepper took her out with Morgan. Did Tony not tell you?" She says and my heart begins to slow down, the tears in my eyes slowly fall down my cheeks and I feel like I can finally breathe.

"No, no he didn't, i'm sorry for disturbing you." I say softly, trying to sound like i'm not crying. But Mama doesn't miss anything so obviously she knows i'm crying.

"You could never bother me, call me if you need anything okay, I love you." She says, reassuring me. I tell her I love her back and I hang up the phone. Wanda walks in, "So, is everything okay?" She asks. I nod my head and tell her where Bella is.

After I ate breakfast with Wanda, she decides to make me take a shower. I really cannot be bothered but I know it will help me get back on tracks. I'm sat on Wanda's bed in her room watching sitcoms while she puts the shower on for me.

"Y/N!" I hear her yell from her bathroom, I walk in and she places a towel next to the shower. "Shout if you need anything, okay baby?" She says, kissing my forehead.

"Actually Wands, would you mind staying in here with me?" I say quietly but loud enough for her to hear as I play with the bottom for my t-shirt nervously.

"I wouldn't mind at all Y/N/N" She gives me a soft smile before sitting on the little stool next to the shower.

I take off my clothes and get in, we talk about random things while I just let the hot water wash over my body. I then go to wash my hair but Wanda suddenly stops me.

"Here baby, let me." She says as she takes the shampoo bottle from my hands.

She begins to wash my hair while singing a song in Sokovian, I love when she sings, it's so calming. When she rinsed the conditioner out, she steps back allowing me to get out of the shower before she wraps my towel around me.

After my shower, I get dressed into my favourite pair of Mama's grey joggers and one of Wanda's hoodies. I slip on my trainers and go with Wands for a nice walk around a large river. The same one that Steve runs laps round every single morning.

It's peaceful here, I like it and i'm with my beautiful girlfriend. I couldn't be anymore happier with who is in my life right now than I already am. Well, I was happy, right before I hear a familiar voice shout my name. I turn round to be faced with the devil herself.


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