Chapter 2

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I wake up to my alarm clock at 7:30 am AGAIN.
I get dressed AGAIN.
I wake Bella up and get her ready AGAIN.

After our usual morning routine, we set off to Bellas nursery and she starts asking me random questions and my heart broke at her upcoming one.
"Y/N/N? You stay forever right?"
"Well Squish, that depends, what if nice people want to adopt you and you have a mama and daddy?" I ask with tears in my eyes.
"I say no i wan you"
"Do you want to go to the park today Squishy?" I ask trying to change the subject so she doesn't get upset.
Bella squeals and nots her head, i giggle at her response and we walk into her nursery.

It's the same thing every single day, and no i don't exactly mind it but it does get a bit boring so maybe the park would be a good idea, change in routine i guess.

I get to college and greet Peter, MJ and Ned at the gates, i'm living deja vu every day.

College goes as expected for a Tuesday, same classes, same people, same conversations, not a single difference. To be honest i can't do much with my friends after college or at the weekends because i take care of Bella, and i don't mind that! But there are some days where i wish that someone could help me with her but if there was, i don't even think i would let them.

~time skip~

"Bella, Y/N is here to pick you up" i hear Bella's teacher shout.
Bella runs out with a card that she painted two stick people holding hands on and writing inside it. "LOOK ITS A CARD" Bella yelled, clearly over excited about the card she made.
"That's fantastic Squishy! What's that for?" i ask
"Your birthday! But you can't see till then." she responds as her teacher helps her hide it away in her bag.

I thank her teacher and we set off walking to the park,
after at least two hours of playing tag, pushing Bella on the swings and going down the slide, it gets very dark outside so i decide it's time to go grab dinner from the shop and head home.

On the way home i have a strange feeling that we're being followed, i may just be paranoid because it's dark but i don't take any chances and i scoop Bella up so i can protect her in case what i'm feeling is right.

And it was...

I don't remember much else after the park but now i'm stuck in, what even is this? am i in a cell?
'WHERE IS BELLA' i think to myself
"HEY! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I start banging on the glass in hopes someone hears me.

A few minutes later after attempting to break the glass a woman with emerald green eyes and red curly hair comes into the room where my cell is.

"You know, you can't break that, it's shatterproof." she laughs.
"I really don't care, where's Bella? Please don't hurt her" i plead.
"Hurt her? Who do you think we are? We won't hurt her, we're just running some tests on her?" the redhead says.
"Well you basically kidnapped us and then took Bella away from me, seems bad to me, don't you think?" i ask sarcastically, she just looks at me raising her eyebrow as a warning to stop talking then leaves the room.

A moment later, she comes back in with Bella screaming and kicking in the woman's hold. She puts Bella down then walks over to the glass cell i'm trapped in and presses the button to let me out.
"We did some tests and it seems you're not who we thought you were, i'd say you're free to leave the building but i don't feel comfortable letting you go back to that house. I read your files, i know what you've been through."
I just look at her with tears in my eyes scooping Bella up in my arms, "you okay Squish? You're not hurt are you?"
"No hurt, but i don't like them Y/N/N i wanna stay with you!"

The woman looks at me "i'm Natasha by the way, i'd like it if you both stayed here for a while, we have sorted out a room for each of you.

I just nod as i don't want to get on her bad side, she's very intimidating and i follow her out of the room.


Author Note:

Heyaaa, i hope you're all doing okay.
I also hope that you're enjoying this story!!
Thank you so much for reading, make sure you're all looking after yourselves.
This is a safe space <3

Adopted by Natasha RomanoffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon