Chapter 4

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Y/N's POV:

I jolt up in bed crying, i can feel my heart racing and sweat beading on my forehead. I quickly get myself out of bed but i fall to the floor making a crashing sound as i fall into my drawers probably waking us half of the compound as well as Bella.

Natashas POV :

It's 3am and i wake up to a loud bang coming from Y/N's room, i assume Wanda heard it too as she left her room the same time i left mine.
I quickly rush to open Y/N's door finding her curled up with her back against the wall as her breathing increases and tears stream down her face and that's when i notice she's having a panic attack.

As i see to Y/N, Wanda scoops up Bella and carries her to her room so whatever was happening with Y/N didn't frighten her.

"Y/N, sweetheart" i say softly as i crouch down to her level,
"look at me". She doesn't respond, i cup her face in my hands and bring her face up so her eyes lock with mine. "I need you to take deep breaths for me, inhale, hold for five seconds, exhale, hold for five seconds, Y/N can you do that for me?" i ask, she does as i say and within two minutes of following my instructions, her breathing starts to calm down.

Y/N's POV:

After Nat helped me calm down a little i feel my heart begin to race again as i look beside me and notice that Bella is missing, i assume Nat notices this so she tells me that Wanda took Bella into Natasha's bedroom so she didn't see the state i was in which i'm grateful for because i don't want to scare her.

When i've fully calmed down this time, Natasha takes me back to her room where i see Wanda sat watching sitcoms while Bella is asleep in her lap, it's the cutest thing ever.
"Are you feeling okay now Y/N?" Wanda asks, "yea thanks Wanda, also thank you for looking after Bella for me, i really appreciate it." i reply, she tells me not to worry about it and that i know where she is if i need her as she leaves Nat's room with Bella placing her back into my bed.

Nat and I follow her into my room and get back into bed next to Bella, Wanda says good night and goes back into her own room while Natasha stays standing at the end of my bed before also saying good night.

"Nat." i say softly, "would you mind staying with me tonight? I don't want to be alone" i ask shyly.
"Of course dorogoy" she says with a smile, i wish she wouldn't use those words i have no idea what they mean..

Natasha climbs into my bed next to me and she places her arm under my head and plays with my hair till i fall back asleep.
I wish i could stay here forever.

~Time skip to morning~

Natasha's POV:

Today is Saturday, i've decided to take Y/N shopping for her and Bella some new things, i'd take Bella too but i remember taking Morgan Stark shopping when she was 3, let's just say it was.. Eventful.

I look to the side of me and see Y/N asleep with Bella on her chest, honestly it's the cutest thing ever. I decided to let Y/N stay asleep for a little longer because of what happened early hours this morning.
I see Bella starting to wake up so before she can move and wake up Y/N i lift her up and place her onto my lap.

"Bella how would you feel if i took you downstairs for some pancakes?" i ask, her face lights up. "Is Y/N coming too?"
"No baby, we're gonna let Y/N sleep a little longer, is that okay?"
Bella nods her head and i take her downstairs to the others and they all say good morning to her.

Wanda is in the kitchen making everyone breakfast as usual.
"And what would you like little miss?" Wanda asks Bella, poking her stomach a little.
"Pancakes pretty please Wands"
Wanda smiles at the nickname given to her and starts making Bella's pancakes while i take one of Morgan's silly cups and filling it with apple juice.

After at least half an hour Y/N comes downstairs and Wanda has already made her some pancakes.
She sits down to eat and i ask if she would like to go shopping with me today, which she nods her head to and smiles.

She also agrees to letting Tony look after Bella while we're out as she can play with Morgan seeing as they're similar ages, Morgan is four and a half.

~Time Skip~

Natasha's POV:

"Y/N are you ready?" i yell, "Yes yes i'm coming Nat".
Tony, Steve and Thor all stand there shocked and i know exactly why.
"NAT?!" they all shout in sync. "If any of us called you that we would be dead in seconds.." Tony says with slight annoyance in his voice.
"That's correct, but none of you are Y/N sooo, deal with it." I reply, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow ever so slightly.

Y/N walks downstairs wearing a pair of Wanda's black leggings that she gave her and one of my grey hoodies which was slightly big on her.
We leave the compound and get in my car, i put on the radio and 'American Pie' comes on and Y/N starts singing along to it.

"You know, this is my sisters favourite song" i tell her, "YOU HAVE A SISTER?" she yells. "Jeez, quieten down Y/N i would like to keep my eardrums in good condition" i say laughing.


Author Note:
Sorry i had to end this part here, it was getting too long..
I hope you're enjoying the story so far tho!!

Look after yourselves, thank you for reading <3

If you have any requests, please feel free to comment them!! x

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