Chapter 10

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Natasha's POV:

It's been two weeks and still no sign of Y/N, Bella is terrified, we're all terrified. I honestly cannot for the life of me figure out where she is and neither can the rest of the team.

We're currently sat in the meeting room STILL trying to work out where Y/N could be and the only option left is HYDRA, i'm so scared because i know what they're capable of and it's really not pretty.

Y/N's POV:

Honestly i don't know how long i've been here for. I've been training non stop and i'm so tired but if i don't carry on, they will kill me. I have to get out of here but i don't know how.

"Y/N, i am sure you are ready now." The man says, who i learned is called Strucker. He says my trigger words then says "kill Natasha Romanoff". And that is exactly what i'll do.

Natasha's POV:

We've been sat in here for at least three hours now until Jarvis starts talking "Mr Stark, there is a girl outside wanting to speak to you all", i wonder who that could be. Tony looks at the security camera's that are pointed towards his front door and there stands a girl in all black and a mask.
"Do not under any circumstances let her in Jarvis!" Tony demands Jarvis.
"Yes Sir"  The AI responds.

A few minutes later i feel something around my neck, like wire and i cannot breathe, i go to attack whoever is choking me but there's no one there to attack.

"What the fuck?" I hear Tony shout from across the room. All the avengers rush over to help me, confused as to what is choking me.
Tony goes back into his CCTV and sees that the mysterious girl has gone. "Sir i believe there has been some sort of security breach" Jarvis announces. "Yeah no shit Jarvis" Tony snaps back trying to figure out what is going on and why i'm still being strangulated.

Peter runs in with a bag of flour and throws it behind me to reveal a now white figure of a person. The avengers then capture them and lock them in a glass cell.

~Time Skip~

An hour has passed since we locked the invisible person in the cell and no one has checked on them yet so i decide to go down to them.
The person is no longer invisible and i now see that it's the same girl that was stood at Tony's door. She seems to have calmed a lot now so i unlock her cell and go inside and lock it behind me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, soon regretting my decision as she turns around and charges at me, i have no choice other than to fight her off which i don't want to do cause she seems quite young and i don't want to hurt her. She still has her mask on so i have no idea who she is.

She gets me to the ground and is now sat on top of me punching my head. That's when her masks falls off and i see a VERY familiar face.

"Y/N?" I say grabbing her wrists so she can't hit me anymore. "Y/N baby, look at me, it's me, it's mama" i say. And with the click of a finger she stops and looks at me. "Mama?" she says "i'm so so sorry, oh my god, i don't know what got into me!" She cries out, i just pull her onto my lap and rock her. "Shhh it's okay baby, you're safe now, i won't let anything like this happen to you again!"

Jarvis must have alerted the others that i was being attacked because they all came running in. "Romanoff? Is everything okay?" Tony asks, Maria barges past everyone and runs into the cell with us. "Oh my love!! It's you! What on earth happened?!" Maria bursts into tears and hugs both me and

Y/N's POV:

I am so happy i'm back with my family but i have powers now, not just invisibility. I am a lot stronger than what i was, i can shoot lasers out my eyes and i can set things on fire with my hands. I'm so scared i'll hurt people that i love, i don't want to hurt them so i wiggle myself out of Nat and Ria's grasps and run upstairs into my room and i don't plan on leaving any time soon.

-Time Skip Three Days~

Natasha's POV:

It's been three days and Y/N won't leave her room, i've tried everything. I've bribed her with shopping, watching her favourite shows, taking her to her favourite places and nothing working, even poor Wanda and Bella have tried and she still won't say a word to us.

I'm beginning to get worried because Y/N won't even come out and eat but i know what Hydra can do to people, i remember what Wanda and Pietro were like when we brought them to live in the compound. It's messy but i don't want her to go through it alone, but for now i tell her good night and how much i love her and miss her. I then put Bella to bed before going to bed myself.

"I'm sure she will be absolutely fine Nat, if worst comes to worst we may just have to ask Wanda to help us get into her room." Maria says to me and i just hum in agreement.


Author Note:

I'm so so sorry i didn't post yesterday!! It was another long busy day and i was too tired.

I'm also sorry that this chapter is a bit small but i'm still so tired and trying my best, i promise tomorrows will be better.

I hope you're all well and still enjoying the story!! Remember this is a safe place.

Thank you for reading, if you have any suggestions please feel free to comment them here <3

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