Chapter 12

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Y/N's POV:

Today is Monday which means.. A much dreaded college day. Nat and Ria aren't in my bed so i assume they left when i fell asleep, i don't blame them, i can't stop moving while i'm sleeping.

I really don't want to go to college so i decide to stay in bed a little longer in hopes no one notices.

Plan failed.

"Y/N!! You better be awake otherwise you'll be late for college!" I hear Nat yell from the bottom of the stairs in her "scary voice" as all the avengers call it. It doesn't scare me tho, i find the way she uses her voice to intimidate everyone is quite amusing to me. I'll never say that out loud tho cause i'd rather not get my ass kicked.

So, as i'm not a pussy, i don't respond and i stay in bed. Maybe that was a mistake because she's now storming up the stairs.

"Y/N honey you need to get up and get ready for college." She says while stood at my closed door.
"No thanks" I reply, testing her patience.

She comes into my room and doesn't say a word, she just pulls the covers off me and drags me out of bed by my legs. She laughs as i hit the floor. I quickly stand up and just glare at her.

"Perfect detka, now you're up you can get ready for college." She says with a huge grin plastered on her face.
"Bitch" i mumbled under my breath as she turns to back out of my room, i regret my choice of word.

"Excuse me?" She says as she turns back around to face me. "Give me your laptop." She says crossing her arms. "Hell no why would i do that?" I say back.
"Y/N, now."
Okay this time it's slightly more intimidating so i hand over my laptop. She leaves my room and i get ready for college.

I throw on a pair of black sports leggings and one of Wanda's hoodies, i love it cause it smells like her, yes i know that's soppy so what. I'm also still wearing the bracelet things Stark made me to stop my powers, they're really good.

I run downstairs and jump into the car with Bella, Peter and Wanda as Nat and Ria are taking us to where we need to be.


We get dropped off at college and i instantly roll my eyes. "Best behaviour Y/N!" Nat says out of her window before driving off. God she's such a mom.

"Come on baby, it's not that bad" Wanda giggles as she grabs my hand and walks us into the building. Today i have English, Lifeskills, Russian and Math. I decided to take Russian to surprise Nat. But the only lesson i have a problem with is Math. My teacher, Mr Smith, is so rude and i swear today if he says one rude thing to me again i will blow.


All my lessons so far went great, i learnt a lot in Russian and i'm glad because that means i can go home today and surprise Nat with what i learnt. I had lunch with Wanda and her friends, Carol and Valkyrie. They're really nice and i get along with them quite well. All i have to do now is get through my Math class.

I walk in through the classroom door with my jumper off as it's too warm, i have a crop top underneath but it's not too revealing and Mr Smith immediately starts to tell me what's wrong with my outfit.

"Miss Y/L/N your top is inappropriate! Put your jumper on!" He yells with his arms crossed.
"Absolutely not it's far too warm and i don't want to have a heat stroke!" i say back with clear annoyance in my voice.

"Are you talking back to me?" He asks, i don't know where this confidence in me came from but i sure as hell needed it.
"And so what if i am?" I ask back glaring at him. The whole class is watching us but i feel my blood boiling.

"Well Y/N tha-" i cut him off. "No i'm not hearing any more of your bullshit, nothing i do is good enough for you. All i wanna do is come in here and learn, my outfit isn't revealing and no one even cares what i'm wearing. Unless you do? Is it distracting you Mr Smith? An eighteen year olds stomach? That's a little weird if you ask me." I snap, like i said i don't know where this sudden boost of confidence came from but it sure felt good.

"Principles office NOW! I've already emailed him to speak to your mother!"
"Oh, that's funny sir, because i don't have one." I say trying to hide my laugh as the class just bursts out laughing at my words.

I exit the classroom and make my way to the principles office, i freeze as i look through her office window and see a familiar redhead wearing a black suit and black stilettos.
"Shit" i mumble to myself.

I knock on the door and the principle signals for me to come in. I walk in and see Nat stood with her arms crossed, dead eyeing me. 'I'm in sooo much trouble' i think to myself.

"Y/N, Mr Smith says you used disgusting language and yelled at him in his class, do you care to explain what happened?" Said Principle Morris. "It's not my fault! Mr Smith started it and it's been going on for weeks just today i've finally has the nerve to talk back to him and he didn't like it!" I said defending myself, and rightly so.

"Okay we'll you're both free to leave and i'll have a word with Mr Smith and get your classes changed." Principle Morris says. Both me and Nat thank her then we go to Nat's car.

"Why didn't you tell me your teacher was picking on you Y/N?" Nat says softly as we get into her car.
"I didn't wanna bother you about school, i'm already bothering you with everything else." I say back. She just looks at me and places her hand on my cheek.
"You're not bothering me with anything sweetheart, you got that? i'm here for you. I want you to never forget that okay? I love you so much honey." She tells me, i honestly don't know what i did to deserve someone like Nat.

"ya tozhe tebya lyublyu mama" (i love you too mama) I say back, she looks at me in pure shock. Then she starts to cry.

"You learned Russian for me?"

"da" (yes).

"ty nazval menya mama" (you called me mama)

"ty moya mama" (you are my mama)

Jesus christ, i knew she'd be happy about it but i didn't know she would be uncontrollably crying..

But it's true, she's helped me more than anyone ever has, so has Maria and i love them both just like parents so i guess it's time for a name upgrade, Mama Nat and Mama Ria.

Nat pulls me into a tight hug and then we drive off back home. We don't have to pick Bella up yet cause i got to leave two hours early.


Author Note:

Hi my lovelies!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm so sorry i haven't wrote in a couple of days, to be honest with you all i really had no idea what to write but today i did.

I hope you're all looking after yourselves! Remember you are amazing and this is a safe place.

Also my 18th birthday is next week 💃💃💃

Thank you so much for reading <3

Oh also i'm sorry if the Russian is bad, i got it off google translate...
As you can see i'm not Russian, nor do i claim to be Russian but i'd love to learn it!

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