After A Hurricane Comes a Rainbow

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Bruno is twenty one and he is hiding.

He couldn't believe what he had done!

He thought he was being helpful to Pepa.

He thought he was helping her relax, just letting her know it was okay that she was nervous.

He thought making a joke woul...

Thankfully the ceremony was over and there was a reception in Casita.

Bruno didn't stay at the reception.

He wanted to run to his favorite spot in the Encanto but in order to do that, he'd have to run past all the people.

His sister hated him and his brother in law hated him and his mama would come to lecture him...

he ruined what was supposed to be the happiest day of Pepa's life!

He wouldn't blame her if she never spoke to him again.

Bruno curled up in a ball in the corner of his room, he didn't climb up all the stairs to his vision cave, that would be the first person someone would look for him.

He actually was fairly well hidden.

But not well enough.

He tensed when he heard someone sit down next to him.

No lecture, no yelling...

He couldn't help the smile when he realized who it was.

"How do you always know where to find me?" Bruno said.

Maria smiled. "I got a knack for knowing where you hide." She said.

Bruno's own smile fell even as she wrapped an arm around him. "I didn't mean to..."

"I know that corazon..."

"i didn't have a vision..."

"I know..." Maria soothed.

"I...I just wanted to help her! Make her feel better!" Bruno flung himself at Maria, who to her credit didn't even flinch. Just kept stroking his hair, fingers occasionally catching on knots but quick to sooth him when they did.

When he was done, Maria pulled back. "i'm not the one you need to tell that to."

Bruno actually expected she'd say that. He knew he'd have to try and apologize sooner or later. Still he was scared.

Maria seemed to sense that. She held a hand out for Bruno to take and she helped him up, dusting sand off of him. "I'll go with you..."

Bruno gulped, and nodded.


Maria knew her amor meant no harm by his comment, but when his hermanas nerves were already skyrocketing, she didn't think it was helpful. But she didn't get a chance to tell him in time.

Felix still seemed happy that he was married to Pepa so there was that.

The reception had been winding down, a small cloud still over Pepa's head, as Felix soothed her.

"I'll go talk to Bruno." She staved off any intervention from Alma, who seemed inclined to argue. But she was still soothing the snarls with the townsfolk.

"I trust you carina." She said, pushing Maria's hair off her face.

And Maria went to find Bruno.

Suspicions confirmed, that was his awkward way of letting his sister know that it was okay to be nervous but there was nothing to worry about.

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